karash prarup
कृश = DIMINISHEDउदाहरण : उनकी अच्छे कर्म इस लोक और परलोक में कृश हो जाएँगे, और उन्हें कोई सहायता नहीं मिलेगी।
Usage : Don't give people their things in a diminished voice, and don't create chaos on earth.
Usage : Don't give people their things in a diminished voice, and don't create chaos on earth.
(Verb) +15
कृष = EXQUISITEउदाहरण : कलाकार का काम अद्वितीय रूप से कृष था।
Usage : the milkmaid is an exquisite painting by raja ravi varma.
Usage : the milkmaid is an exquisite painting by raja ravi varma.
(Adjective) +6
कृश = WASTEDUsage : their good deeds will be wasted in this world and in the next, and none will they have to help them.
(Verb) +1
कृष = OF RARE AND APPEALING EXCELLENCEउदाहरण : उसकी आँखों में एक विशेष कृष का सुकून था।
Usage : The artist created a piece of rare and appealing excellence.
Usage : The artist created a piece of rare and appealing excellence.
(Adjective) +1