
कुटना = CREAMउदाहरण : महान युद्ध में इंग्लैंड के युवा पुरुषों का कुटना हुआ।
Usage : the cream of englands young men were killed in the great war
Usage : the cream of englands young men were killed in the great war
(Verb) +17
कुटनाई करना = PANDERउदाहरण : सभी छात्र नवागंतुक की रैगिंग करते समय प्रमुख लड़के की कुटनाई कर रहे थे।
Usage : All students were pandering the Head boy while ragging the new comer.
Usage : All students were pandering the Head boy while ragging the new comer.
(Verb) +6
कुटनाई करना = PIMPउदाहरण : आम धारणा थी कि केवल कुटनाई करने वाले और धक्का देने वाले लोग ही साउथ ब्रोंक्स से थे।
Usage : The common perception was that only pimps and pushers and prostitutes were from the South Bronx.
Usage : The common perception was that only pimps and pushers and prostitutes were from the South Bronx.
(Verb) +1