अनुजा = FEMALE BORN AFTERWARDS (YOUNGER SISTER)उदाहरण : मैं अपनी अनुजा की शादी बड़े धूम धाम से करूंगा.
Usage : I will organize a grand wedding for my female born afterwards (younger sister).
Usage : I will organize a grand wedding for my female born afterwards (younger sister).
(Noun) +22
अनुजात = EPIGENETICउदाहरण : अधिकांश अनुजात शोध तनाव, चिंता, अवसाद पर केंद्रित हैं।
Usage : Most of epigenetic research has really focused on stress, anxiety, depression -- kind of a downer, kind of bad things.
Usage : Most of epigenetic research has really focused on stress, anxiety, depression -- kind of a downer, kind of bad things.
(adjective) +1
अनुजाति = GENUS HYDRILLAउदाहरण : वैज्ञानिक अनुजाति करते हैं ताकि वे स्थानीय पारिस्थितिक तंत्र पर इसके प्रभाव को बेहतर तरीके से समझ सकें।
Usage : Scientists genus hydrilla the invasive plant species to better understand its impact on local ecosystems.
Usage : Scientists genus hydrilla the invasive plant species to better understand its impact on local ecosystems.
(Verb) 0
अनुजात कारक = EPIGENETIC FACTORSउदाहरण : कुछ अनुजात कारक जेन व्यक्ति को प्रभावित कर सकते हैं बिना जीनेटिक कोड को बदलते हुए।
Usage : Certain epigenetic factors can influence gene expression without altering the genetic code.
Usage : Certain epigenetic factors can influence gene expression without altering the genetic code.
(Noun) +1
अनुजात नाभिक2. = DAUGHTER NUCLEUSउदाहरण : कोशिका विभाजन के दौरान, अनुजात नाभिक आनुवांशिक सामग्री की समान प्रतिलिपि प्राप्त करता है।
Usage : during cell division, the daughter nucleus receives an identical copy of the genetic material.
Usage : during cell division, the daughter nucleus receives an identical copy of the genetic material.
(Noun) 0
अनुजात उत्पत्ति = EPIGENETIC ORIGINउदाहरण : यह बीमारी अपनी अनुजात उत्पत्ति से जुड़ी हुई है।
Usage : The disease has been linked to its epigenetic origin.
Usage : The disease has been linked to its epigenetic origin.
(Noun) 0