चराई = OVERGRAZINGउदाहरण : चरवाहा अपने भेड़ों को चराई के लिए मैदान में ले जा रहा था।
Usage : soil may sometimes get eroded through factors such as wind, running water, overgrazing of animals and human activities such as construction.
Usage : soil may sometimes get eroded through factors such as wind, running water, overgrazing of animals and human activities such as construction.
(Verb) +7
चराई = GRAZINGUsage : it is he who sends down for you from the sky water. from it is drink, and with it grows vegetation for grazing.
(Noun) 0
चराई = AGISTMENTUsage : the farmer charges an agistment fee for grazing his cattle on the pasture.
(Noun) 0
चराई = DEPASTURAGEUsage : the depasturage rights of the villagers were being questioned by the new landowner.
(Noun) 0
चराई करना = OVIS VIGNEIउदाहरण : किसान ने हरे-भरे चरागाह में भेड़ों की चराई करने का फैसला किया।
Usage : the farmer decided to ovis vignei the sheep in the lush green pasture.
Usage : the farmer decided to ovis vignei the sheep in the lush green pasture.
(Verb) 0
चराई क्षेत्र = GRAZING GROUNDउदाहरण : गायों को चराई क्षेत्र में स्वतंत्र रूप से घुमने दिया जाता है।
Usage : The cows were peacefully grazing in the grazing ground.
Usage : The cows were peacefully grazing in the grazing ground.
(Noun) 0
चराई का अधिकार = DEPASTURAGEउदाहरण : गाँववालों का नए मालिक द्वारा चराई का अधिकार सवालों में आया था।
(Noun) 0
चराई पर ले जाना = AGISTउदाहरण : गायों को पड़ोसी खेत पर चराई पर ले जाने का निर्णय रांचर ने लिया।
Usage : the farmer decided to agist his cattle on his neighbor's pasture while his own fields recovered.
Usage : the farmer decided to agist his cattle on his neighbor's pasture while his own fields recovered.
(Noun) 0