चाकर = GILLIEउदाहरण : फिर वह आँख बचाकर उनके देवताओं की ओर गया और कहा, "क्या तुम खाते नहीं?
Usage : {man or boy attending sportsman in Scotland}
Usage : {man or boy attending sportsman in Scotland}
(Noun) +60
चाकरी = SERFISMउदाहरण : मध्यकालीन समय में, चाकरी एक सामान्य रूप था जिसमें किसान अपने भगवान के लिए भूमि पर काम करते थे।
Usage : In medieval times, serfism was a common form of labor where peasants worked the land for their lord.
Usage : In medieval times, serfism was a common form of labor where peasants worked the land for their lord.
(Noun) +1
चाकरी करना = SERVEउदाहरण : उसकी ताकतवर चाकरी ने खेल जीत लिया।
Usage : his powerful serves won the game
Usage : his powerful serves won the game
(Verb) +11
चाकर/घर का नौकर = DOMESTICउदाहरण : यह कहानी एक संपादक की घरेलू त्रासदी है, जो अपनी युवा और स्वप्निल पत्नी के लिए समय नहीं निकाल पाता।
Usage : the broken nest is the domestic tragedy of the busy editor of a daily paper who has little time to spare for his very young and romantic wife.?
Usage : the broken nest is the domestic tragedy of the busy editor of a daily paper who has little time to spare for his very young and romantic wife.?
(Noun) +11