चालकता = CONDUCTIVITYउदाहरण : एक धातु तत्व है जिसमे उच्चतम विद्युत और तापीय चालकता है। यह नमनीय है और किसी भी आकार में ढाला जा सकता है।
Usage : A metallic element which has highest electrical and thermal conductivity is ductile and can be moulded into any shape.
Usage : A metallic element which has highest electrical and thermal conductivity is ductile and can be moulded into any shape.
(Noun) +22
चालकता = CONDUCTANCEUsage : The conductance of the material determines its ability to allow the flow of electricity.
(Noun) +3
चालकता = CONDUCTIVITIESUsage : A metal element has the highest electrical and thermal conductivities.
(Noun) +1
चालकहीन वायुयान = DRONEउदाहरण : क्या तुम पागल हो? वो तुम्हारा निगरानी चालकहीन वायुयान है। वो 12 मिलियन डॉलर का हार्डवेयर है।
Usage : are you f - ing stupid. that one of your surveillance drones. that 's a 12 million $piece of hardware. - it was.
Usage : are you f - ing stupid. that one of your surveillance drones. that 's a 12 million $piece of hardware. - it was.
(Noun) +3