टिकली = CHADउदाहरण : प्रोफेसर ने कागज पर टिकली छोड़ी ताकि सही जगह पर हस्ताक्षर कर सको।
Usage : He is known as the chad of the group for his charming personality.
Usage : He is known as the chad of the group for his charming personality.
(Noun) +16
चादि = CHADICउदाहरण : उसने पुराने कपड़ों को चादि करने का निर्णय लिया पहले दान करने से।
Usage : She decided to chadic the old clothes before donating them.
Usage : She decided to chadic the old clothes before donating them.
(Verb) +1
ढ़कना = CHADORउदाहरण : वे फर्नीचर को धूल से बचाने के लिए ढक रहे हैं।
Usage : She decided to chador herself before stepping out into the cold.
Usage : She decided to chador herself before stepping out into the cold.
(Verb) 0
चद्दर (वस्त्र) = CHADDERउदाहरण : उसने शादी में लक्जरी चद्दर में लपेट लिया।
Usage : She draped herself in a luxurious chadder for the wedding.
Usage : She draped herself in a luxurious chadder for the wedding.
(Noun) +4