मर्यादा = DECORUMउदाहरण : आदमी को अपनी मर्यादा का ध्यान रखना चाहिये
Usage : He maintained a decorum behaviour throughout the party .
Usage : He maintained a decorum behaviour throughout the party .
(Noun) +90
मर्यादा = CODE OF CONDUCTUsage : In true sense din - e - ilahi is not a religion but is a code of conduct
(Noun) +61
मर्यादा = DIGNITYउदाहरण : जहां सामुहिक्ता है वहा संगठन , अनुशासन , एकता और मर्यादा जैसे मुल्य नौका के पाल कि तरह होते है जो जीवन के हर मोड़ पर कवच ढाल बनते है !
Usage : i cann wear such a dress. its below my dignity.
Usage : i cann wear such a dress. its below my dignity.
(Noun) +46
मर्यादा = REPUTATIONUsage : They are changing the city's street names to improve their reputation.
(Noun) +12
मर्यादा = CORRECTITUDEUsage : It is important to maintain correctitude in your actions at all times.
(Noun) +1
मर्यादा = PROPERNESSUsage : The hotel's properness was evident from its spotless rooms to its well-maintained lobby.
(Noun) 0
मर्यादाहीन = UNDIGNIFIEDउदाहरण : हम कभी नहीं चाहेंगे कि हमारी भाषा अत्यधिक परिचित या मर्यादाहीन हो जाए।
Usage : Never do we want our language to become overly familiar or undignified .
Usage : Never do we want our language to become overly familiar or undignified .
(Adjective) +2
मर्यादा भंग करना = EXTRAVAGATEउदाहरण : वह अपने दोस्तों के साथ हमेशा मर्यादा भंग करने की प्रवृत्ति रखती है।
Usage : She tends to extravagate when she's with friends, always crossing the line of decency.
Usage : She tends to extravagate when she's with friends, always crossing the line of decency.
(Verb) 0