अनुमान =SPECULATIONउदाहरण : आईपीएल 2019 के आयोजन स्थल पर अनुमानों ने ज़ोर पकड़ना शुरू किया। Usage : speculations about the outcome of the election
(Noun) +129
अनुमान =HYPOTHESISउदाहरण : एक अनुमानित प्रस्ताव या सिद्धांत जिसको सच मान कर उस पर कोई निष्कर्ष निकाल लिया जाता है। परिकल्पना करना, भविष्यवाणी करना। Usage : a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory
अनुमान =RECKONINGUsage : There will be a heavy reckoning to pay.
(Noun) +21
अनुमान =CONJECTUREUsage : Sometimes weather conjectures become true.
(Noun) +18
अनुमान =RATEUsage : they traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour
(Noun) +16
अनुमान =OPINIONUsage : my opinion differs from yours
(Noun) +12
अनुमान =SUPPOSITIONUsage : A supposition, proposition or principle which is taken for granted, and over which a conclusion is drawn. Hypothesis, 4. predict in advance
(Noun) +11
अनुमान =ACCEPTANCEUsage : Acceptance of the IPL 2019 venue gained momentum.
(Noun) +10
अनुमान =SURMISEUsage : If you follow the majority of people on the earth, they will lead you astray from the path of God, for they follow only conjecture and surmise.
(Noun) +9
अनुमान =LETUsage : You have to pay rent and 5% GST on the let property.
(Noun) +9
अनुमान =ESTIMATIONUsage : we should learn estimation of time
(Noun) +8
अनुमान =GUESSINGUsage : She is good at guessing people's emotions.
अनुमान =FLAVOURUsage : this city has a distinct flavour of times gone by.
(Noun) +3
अनुमान =ESTIMATESUsage : The engineer provided accurate cost estimates.
(Noun) +2
अनुमान =PHANTASYUsage : In Bhagavan alone can we test those words and those - scriptures, and see for ourselves that they are not a dream or a phantasy.
(Verb) +2
अनुमान =JUDGMENTUsage : he was reluctant to make his judgment known
(Noun) +2
अनुमान =SURMISALUsage : A surmisal is made based on the available evidence.
(Noun) +2
अनुमान =INFERENCESUsage : Inferences about the venue for IPL 2019 gained momentum.
(Noun) +1
अनुमान =SUMPTIONUsage : Excessive alcohol sumption can lead to serious health issues.
(Noun) +1
अनुमान =ESTIMATEUsage : an estimate of what it would cost
(Noun) +1
अनुमान =THOUGHTUsage : the thought of resigning the job never struck him.
(Noun) +1
अनुमान =FANTASYUsage : some schoolgirls live in fantasies.
(Verb) +1
अनुमान =GAUGEUsage : there is a new equipment to guage the speed of the bowlers delivery.
(TransitiveVerb) +1
अनुमान =QUESTION HOURUsage : from december 1991 the question hour in the two houses, after necessary editing, was being telecast on the following day.
(adjective) 0
अनुमान =RATINGSUsage : The movie received high ratings from the critics.
(Noun) 0
अनुमान =GUESSESUsage : The guesses about the IPL 2019 venue started gaining momentum.
(Noun) 0
अनुमान =PRESUMPTIONUsage : Brahma 's presumption is the center pillar of vedant darshan, and it is the inimitable presentation to the world by Hindu dharm
(Noun) 0
अनुमान =EDUCTUsage : It was a revolutionary idea in the field of women eduction in those days.
(Noun) 0
अनुमान =SURMISESUsage : Surmises about the IPL 2019 venue began gaining momentum.
(Noun) 0
अनुमान =CONSECUTIONUsage : the consecutive events unfolded in a perfect consecution.
(Noun) 0
अनुमान =PROBABILITYUsage : the probability that an unbiased coin will fall with the head up is 0.5
(Noun) 0
अनुमानत:=ILLATIVELYउदाहरण : आज वह ठीक महसूस नहीं कर रहा, इससे अनुमानत: उसने फ्लू लगा ली होगी। Usage : He is not feeling well today, illatively he might have caught the flu.
(Adverb) 0
Definition of अनुमान
पुं० [सं० अनु√मि, या√मा+ल्युट्-अन] [भू० कृअनुमिति० वि० अनुमेय, आनुमानिक, अनुमानित १. अपने मन से यह समझना कि ऐसा हो सकता है या होगा। अटकल। अंदाज (गेस) २. मोटा हिसाब लगाकर अंदाज से यह समझना कि यह ऐसा या इतना होगा। (एस्टिमेट) ३. न्याय में, प्रमाण के चार भेदों मे से वह भेद जिससे प्रत्यक्ष साधन के द्वारा अप्रत्यक्ष साध्य की भावना या सिद्धि होती है। ४. साहित्य में एक अलंकार जिसमें साध्य के संबंध में साधन के द्वारा प्राप्त होनेवाला ज्ञान कुछ विलक्षण या चमत्कारपूर्ण ढंग से वर्णित होता है। (इन्फिएरेन्स) ५. भावना। विचार
[Source: Pustak.org]
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Information provided about अनुमान ( Anuman ):
अनुमान (Anuman) meaning in English (इंग्लिश मे मीनिंग) is SPECULATION (अनुमान ka matlab english me SPECULATION hai). Get meaning and translation of Anuman in English language with grammar, synonyms and antonyms by ShabdKhoj. Know the answer of question : what is meaning of Anuman in English? अनुमान (Anuman) ka matalab Angrezi me kya hai ( अनुमान का अंग्रेजी में मतलब, इंग्लिश में अर्थ जाने)
Tags: English meaning of अनुमान , अनुमान meaning in english, अनुमान translation and definition in
English meaning of Anuman , Anuman meaning in english, Anuman translation and
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Meaning Summary
अनुमान के इंग्लिश मीनिंग:speculation, hypothesis, inference, assumptions, guess, shot, reckoning, conjecture, rate, opinion, supposition, acceptance, surmise, let, estimation, guessing, idea, flavour, estimates, phantasy, judgment, surmisal, inferences, sumption, estimate, thought, fantasy, gauge, question hour, ratings, guesses, presumption, educt, surmises, consecution, probability