
अविभाज्य = INDIVISIBLEउदाहरण : दोनों पक्षों के बीच का संघर्ष अविभाज्य था।
Usage : for her, work and leisure were indivisible.
Usage : for her, work and leisure were indivisible.
(Adjective) +7
अविभाज्य = INDECOMPOSABLEउदाहरण : उसने जो ज्ञान साझा किया वह अविभाज्य था।
Usage : the number 10 is an indecomposable integer.
Usage : the number 10 is an indecomposable integer.
(Adjective) +2
अविभाज्य = ALIQUANTउदाहरण : उसके लिए काम और अवकाश अविभाज्य थे|
Usage : for her, work and leisure were aliquant.
Usage : for her, work and leisure were aliquant.
(adjective) 0
अविभाज्य = INTEGRALUsage : security was beefed up in the integral part of the country.
(Adjective) 0
अविभाज्य = ABSOLUTE SOVEREIGNTYUsage : the king exercised absolute sovereignty over his kingdom.
(Noun) 0
अविभाज्यता = INDIVISIBILITYउदाहरण : इस प्रकार वस्तु और रूप दोनों ही अलग-अलग सम्पूर्ण और निरपेक्ष नहींहोते-उन दोनों का अस्तित्व एक दूसरे की सहवर्तिता और अविभाज्यता में है.
Usage : Their indivisibility shows their love for each other.
Usage : Their indivisibility shows their love for each other.
(Noun) +1
अविभाज्यता = IMPARTIBILITYUsage : Their existence is bound by the impartibility of matter and form.
(Noun) 0
अविभाज्य साथी = SHADOWउदाहरण : कुर्सी ने दीवार पर अविभाज्य साथी डाला।
Usage : the chair cast a shadow on the wall.
Usage : the chair cast a shadow on the wall.
(Noun) 0
अविभाज्य रूप से = INCOMMUNICABLYउदाहरण : दो मित्र अविभाज्य रूप से जुड़े हुए थे, समय और अंतरिक्ष के पार एक गहरी संबंध साझा करते थे।
Usage : The beauty of the sunset was incommunicably stunning.
Usage : The beauty of the sunset was incommunicably stunning.
(Noun) 0
अविभाज्य रूप में = INDIVISIBLYउदाहरण : दम्पति का प्रेम अविभाज्य रूप में उनके साझा मूल्यों से बंधा था।
Usage : the couple's love for each other was indivisibly tied to their shared values, making them a perfect match.
Usage : the couple's love for each other was indivisibly tied to their shared values, making them a perfect match.
(Adverb) 0