भेजना     sound icon
भेजना = DISPATCH
उदाहरण : आप मुझे एक पत्र भेजना।
Usage : it was done with dispatch
(Verb) +333
भेजना = SEND
Usage : the explosion sent the car flying in the air
(Verb) +37
भेजना = REFER
Usage : does this remark refer to you?
(Verb) +27
भेजना = SHIP
Usage : the canoe began to ship water.
(Verb) +19
भेजना = REMIT TO
Usage : Britain began to remit foreign troops to India due to fear of Japanese invasion.
(Verb) +11
भेजना = MAIL
Usage : the mail handles billions of items every day
(Verb) +8
भेजना = WRITE
Usage : Please fill in the form accurately.
(Verb) +8
भेजना = FORWARD
Usage : the case was forwarded to the supreme court.
(Verb) +7
भेजना = POST
Usage : a soldier manned the entrance post
(Verb) +7
भेजना = CONSIGN
Usage : She decided to consign the valuables to the bank for safekeeping.
(Verb) +6
भेजना = REMIT
Usage : they set up a group with a remit to suggest ways for strengthening family life
(Verb) +6
भेजना = GO OUT
Usage : we never went out when our children were small
(Verb) +5
भेजना = COMMIT
उदाहरण : जापान के आक्रमण के डर से ब्रिटेन ने भारत में विदेशी फौजो को भेजना शुरू कर दिया।
Usage : he is committed to marry her.
(TransitiveVerb) +5
भेजना = CROSS
Usage : that is his cross to bear
(Verb) +4
भेजना = SPREAD
Usage : she exercised to avoid that middle-aged spread
(Verb) +3
भेजना = CLEAR
Usage : investigation showed that he was in the clear
(Verb) +3
भेजना = SEND AWAY
Usage : Proof of dispatch means an evidence to send away something towards a designated goal.
(Verb) +3
भेजना = SEND FOR
Usage : You send for a letter to me.
(Verb) +2
भेजना = SHOOT
Usage : cameras ready? ok, shoot.
(Verb) +2
Usage : He likes to circulate in the park every morning.
(Verb) +2
भेजना = RADIO
Usage : we radioed to the police control room that we are in trouble.
(Verb) +2
भेजना = SEND AWAY TO
Usage : Fearing Japanese attacks, Britain started to send away foreign troops to India.
(Verb) +1
भेजना = ISSUE
Usage : the issue could be settled by requiring public education for everyone
(Noun) +1
भेजना = SEND ON
Usage : We did not send down any army against his people from heaven, nor did We have to send one.
(Verb) +1
भेजना = DESPATCH
Usage : i just wanted to send despatch confirmations through an ecommerce application.
(Noun) +1
भेजना = DISMISS
Usage : The car dismissed its seat gently.
(Verb) +1
भेजना = DROP
Usage : one drop of each sample was analyzed
(Verb) +1
भेजना = GET OFF
Usage : the lawyer got him off, even though there was no doubt in everybodys mind that he killed his wife
(Verb) +1
भेजना = DIRECT
Usage : he directed the children to do their homework
(Verb) 0
भेजना = GET
Usage : are you getting my point?
(Verb) 0


भेजना कार्यक्रम = TV PROGRAM
उदाहरण : उन्होंने सभी के देखने के लिए विशेष कार्यक्रम भेजना तय किया।
Usage : They decided to tv program the special event for all to watch.
(Verb) 0

Definition of भेजना

  • स० [सं० ब्रजन्] १. आग्रह करके या आदेश देकर किसी व्यक्ति को कहीं जाने में प्रवृत्त करना। प्रस्थान करना। रवाना करना। जैसे—नौकर (या लड़के) को सामान लाने के लिए बाजार भेजना। २. किसी के द्वारा साधन से ऐसी क्रिया करना कि कोई चीज किसी दूसरी जगह चली और पहुँच जाय। जैसे—डाक से पत्र या रेल से माल भेजना।

  • [Source: Pustak.org]

Sentence usage for भेजना will be shown here. Refresh Usages

Information provided about भेजना ( Bhejana ):

भेजना (Bhejana) meaning in English (इंग्लिश मे मीनिंग) is DISPATCH (भेजना ka matlab english me DISPATCH hai). Get meaning and translation of Bhejana in English language with grammar, synonyms and antonyms by ShabdKhoj. Know the answer of question : what is meaning of Bhejana in English? भेजना (Bhejana) ka matalab Angrezi me kya hai ( भेजना का अंग्रेजी में मतलब, इंग्लिश में अर्थ जाने)

Tags: English meaning of भेजना , भेजना meaning in english, भेजना translation and definition in English.
English meaning of Bhejana , Bhejana meaning in english, Bhejana translation and definition in English language by ShabdKhoj (From HinKhoj Group). भेजना का मतलब (मीनिंग) अंग्रेजी (इंग्लिश) में जाने |


Meaning Summary

भेजना के इंग्लिश मीनिंग: dispatch, send, refer, ship, remit to, mail, write, forward, post, consign, remit, go out, commit, cross, spread, clear, send away, send for, shoot, circulate, radio, send away to, issue, send on, despatch, dismiss, drop, get off, direct, get

Synonym/Similar Words: छुड़ा देना, मार ड़ालना/वधा, मिलने जाना, अन्यट्र ले जाना, बोली बोलनाअना, आव्हान पट्र, टक्र्ना, हिट करना, अन्यट्र ले जाना, हत्या कर देना, पोत लदान, निगरानी, बरखास्त करना, आघात करना, फोन करना, सरकारी विज्ञप्ति, पुकारना, गोली दागना, फूर्ण, बहुत प्रभावित करना, अदा करना, बकी, भविष्य वाणी बोलना, अभियान दल, रद्द, संकेत की सीटी, निकालना, ध्यान दिलाना, टेढ़ी खीर, मिलने जाना, तैयार करना, स्राव, पकड़ लेना, नौ भार, स्थगित करना, आदेश देना, रिहा करना, बुरी तरह से पराजित कर देना, औपचारिक भेंट, प्रेषित करना, दूर, अनुमान करना, वार करना, चिल्लाहट, उपस्थिति, टेढ़ी खीर, हिट करना, दुर करना, आघात/सफल