उदाहरण = INSTANCEउदाहरण : मध्यप्रदेश में प्राप्त प्रागैतिहासिक युग के चित्रों से लेकर अजंता तक बहुत से गुफा चित्रों में हमें इसके उदाहरण भी उपलब्ध हैं.
Usage : don 't start a new instance of rhythmbox
Usage : don 't start a new instance of rhythmbox
(Verb) +124
उदाहरण = ILLUSTRATIONUsage : We also have illustrations in many cave paintings - right from the prehistoric ones in Madhya Pradesh to Ajanta.
(Noun) +50
उदाहरण = PATTERNUsage : the american constitution has provided a pattern for many republics
(Noun) +8
उदाहरण = LESSONUsage : We can find lessons in prehistoric to Ajanta cave paintings in Madhya Pradesh.
(Noun) +7
उदाहरण = A TYPICAL EXAMPLEUsage : From prehistoric paintings in Madhya Pradesh to Ajanta, we find a typical example in many cave paintings.
(Noun) +1
उदाहरणों = INSTANCESउदाहरण : नए सॉफ़्टवेयर का अनुपेक्षित तरीके से क्रैश होने के कई उदाहरणों हुए हैं।
Usage : There have been multiple instances where the new software has crashed unexpectedly.
Usage : There have been multiple instances where the new software has crashed unexpectedly.
(Noun) +4
उदाहरण नदी = RUHR RIVERउदाहरण : रुहर नदी जर्मनी के कई शहरों से होकर बहती है।
Usage : The Ruhr River flows through several cities in Germany.
Usage : The Ruhr River flows through several cities in Germany.
(Noun) 0
उदाहरणार्थ = E.G.उदाहरण : उदाहरणार्थ केरल के श्रीपद्मनाभम मंदिर के 7 तहखानों में लाखों टन सोना दबा हुआ है।
Usage : For e.g., lakhs of tons of gold in the 7 basements of Sri Padmanabham temple in Kerala have been suppressed.
Usage : For e.g., lakhs of tons of gold in the 7 basements of Sri Padmanabham temple in Kerala have been suppressed.
(Adverb) +6
उदाहरणीकरण = INSTANTIATIONउदाहरण : नए सॉफ्टवेयर का उदाहरणीकरण अपेक्षित समय से अधिक लिया।
Usage : The instantiation of the new software took longer than expected.
Usage : The instantiation of the new software took longer than expected.
(Noun) +4
उदाहरणार्थ = FOR INSTANCEउदाहरण : आप कई फल खा सकते हैं, उदाहरणार्थ, सेब और केले।
Usage : the text in this textbox will be used to format short dates. for instance, this is used when listing files. the sequences below will be replaced:
Usage : the text in this textbox will be used to format short dates. for instance, this is used when listing files. the sequences below will be replaced:
(Adverb) +4