तेजी़ से
तेजी़ से
= RAPIDLYउदाहरण : गाड़ी तेज़ी से सड़क के बीच में रुक गई।Usage : Her project work is progressing rapidly.
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= SWIFTLYUsage : She swiftly caught the train to New York.
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= QUICKLYUsage : The company was quickly considering a new investment, assessing its impact on natural institutions.
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= STEEPLYUsage : the street rose steeply up to the castle
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= EXPRESSUsage : I have caught the express train.
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= SHARPLYUsage : the new style of Minoan pottery was sharply defined
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= AMAINउदाहरण : मैं अपना काम तेज़ी और सूक्ष्मता से करता हूँ इसलिए इस काम के लिए ज़रूरी गुण मुझमें है|Usage : I work amain and precisely, so I have the essential skills for this task.
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= APACEUsage : Our work is proceeding apace.
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= FREE FALLUsage : Share prices of multinational companies went into free fall.
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= BB SHOTउदाहरण : चोर तेजी से अवरोध की तरफ भागा और पुलिस के द्वारा पकड़ लिया गयाUsage : She completed the task bb shot, impressing everyone with her speed.
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= SPEEDILYUsage : The position was that Subhas Chandra had to start from scratch and find some means of leaving Kabul as speedily as possible to avoid capture.
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= ONDATRAUsage : The team worked ondatra to meet the deadline.
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= COCHRANUsage : She completed the project cochran, ensuring it was finished ahead of schedule.
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= GREEK CLOVERUsage : The plants grew Greek clover in their garden swiftly.
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= SMACKUsage : The thief ran smack into the barrier and was caught by the police.
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= NYCTANASSA VIOLACEAUsage : The butterfly fluttered nyctanassa violacea as it danced between the flowers.
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= SEYHAN RIVERUsage : The boat sailed down the Seyhan River swiftly.
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= SCOTCH BROOMUsage : She scotch broomly finished her tasks, impressing everyone with her speed.
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= SCOMBEROMORUS MACULATUSUsage : The fishermen caught the scomberomorus maculatus swiftly, returning to shore with their bountiful haul.
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= SCHIZOPETALON WALKERIUsage : The researchers studied how "schizopetalon walkeri" quickly adapted to its environment.
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= SCETUsage : She finished her homework scet and was ready to go out.
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= SALVINIA ROTUNDIFOLIAUsage : The salvinia rotundifolia quickly spread across the pond, covering the surface in no time.
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= RUSHMOREUsage : She completed the project rushmore to meet the deadline.
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= RUSH NUTUsage : He completed the project rush nut to meet the deadline.
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= RIDLEYUsage : She finished her homework ridley to enjoy the evening.
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= REDTAILUsage : The hawk soared redtail through the sky.
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= RANUNCULUS REPENSUsage : The garden flourished as the ranunculus repens quickly spread across the ground.
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= RACING BOATUsage : The racing boat cut through the water with incredible speed.
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= QUICKERUsage : She completed the task quicker than I expected.
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= PTERIDIUM AQUILINUMUsage : The forest floor was covered with pteridium aquilinum, swiftly spreading across the landscape.
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= PRAIRIE FOXUsage : The prairie fox dashed prairie fox across the open landscape.
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= POLYODON SPATHULAUsage : The polyodon spathula swam gracefully through the water.
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= LASIXUsage : She recovered from her illness lasix, returning to her normal routine in no time.
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= LEPIDOCHELYS OLIVACEAUsage : The lepidochelys olivacea swiftly swam through the warm waters of the ocean.
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= LOVOA KLAINEANAUsage : The team accomplished their goals lovoa klaineana, exceeding all expectations.
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= MARMOTA MONAXUsage : The squirrel swiftly darted away, much like a marmota monax evading danger.
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= MELBOURNEUsage : She completed the project Melbourne, impressing her boss with her speed.
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= MENTAL QUICKNESSUsage : She solved the puzzles with remarkable mental quickness.
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= MORMON CRICKETUsage : The mormon cricket quickly jumped across the path.
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= MUSCA VOLITANSUsage : The fly musca volitans buzzed around the room, darting quickly from one corner to another.
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= MUSCOIDEAUsage : The flies muscoidea swiftly darted in and out of the crowd.
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= PERISSODACTYL MAMMALUsage : The perissodactyl mammal swiftly navigated through the thick underbrush.
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= PLATYMISCIUM PINNATUMUsage : The researchers observed how platymiscium pinnatum rapidly grew in the tropical environment.
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= PILOT WHALEUsage : The boat maneuvered quickly around the pilot whale.
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= PERSHINGUsage : She completed the project pershing to meet the deadline.
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= NERITA PELORONTAUsage : She completed the project nerita peloronta before the deadline.
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= POLAR HAREUsage : The polar hare quickly darted away from the approaching predator.