योग्य     sound icon
योग्य = ELIGIBLE
उदाहरण : यह नौकरी आपके योग्य है।
Usage : He is eligible for the contest.
(Adjective) +168
योग्य = ADEQUATE
Usage : Rajat is not adequate to the task.
(Adjective) +98
योग्य = WORTHY
Usage : The student is worthy of praise for his hard work.
(Adjective) +71
योग्य = SUITABLE
उदाहरण : यह नौकरी आपके कौशल के लिए बिल्कुल योग्य है।
Usage : i found appu ghar as the suitable place for a picnic.
(Adjective) +63
योग्य = ABLE
उदाहरण : वह अब अंग्रेज़ी भाषा पढ़ने के योग्य है
Usage : No player has shown able support in this game yet.
(Adjective) +33
योग्य = WORTH
Usage : there are many thing worth
(Noun) +25
Usage : His action is seen as expedient rather than principled.
(Adjective) +18
योग्य = CURRENT
Usage : The river's current is very strong.
(Noun) +15
Usage : What is your desirable Jabber ID?
(Adjective) +11
योग्य = CAPABLE
Usage : You are capable of doing better work than this.
(Adjective) +9
योग्य = NEAT
Usage : he wore a neat dress.
(Adjective) +7
योग्य = MERITED
Usage : She is a merited candidate.
(Adjective) +7
योग्य = CLEVER
Usage : he has a clever brother.
(Adjective) +7
Usage : He is a deserving candidate for th first position in P.M.T.
(Adjective) +6
योग्य = DOUGHTY
Usage : He gave a doughty performance in the war
(Adjective) +4
योग्य = PROFIT
Usage : this time she didnt get much profit out of this business.
(Noun) +4
योग्य = REGULAR
Usage : an habitue of the racetrack
(Noun) +3
योग्य = MERITING
Usage : This job is meriting your skills.
(Verb) +3
Usage : he is a man who has susceptible nature.
(Adjective) +3
योग्य = APT
Usage : sharp students are always very apt at learning quickly.
(Adjective) +2
योग्य = WORTH SALT
Usage : The new recruit is definitely worth his salt in the team.
(Noun) +2
योग्य = RIGHT
Usage : they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights
(Noun) +2
योग्य = FIT
Usage : it is fit and proper that one should care for the elders.
(Adjective) +1
योग्य = RIPE
Usage : all the mangoes are ripe enough to eat.
(Adjective) +1
Usage : Taking the shortcut was the most expediential way to reach the destination on time.
(Adjective) +1
योग्य = GOOD
Usage : she has a good heart.
(Noun) +1
Usage : Overall, it was an acceptable experience.
(Adjective) +1
योग्य = BE ONE FOR
Usage : She seems to be one for this role.
(Noun) +1
Usage : This job is right up your street, given your skills.
(Noun) 0
योग्य = UP STREET
Usage : The new grocery store is just up street from our house.
(Noun) 0


योग्यता = SKILL
उदाहरण : एचपीसीएल ने जटिल तथा जरुरतमंद परियोजनाओं को कार्यान्वित करने में अनुकरणीय संगठनात्मक योग्यता की स्थापना की है।
Usage : the skill of a well-trained boxer
(Noun) +300
Usage : her qualifications for the job are excellent
(Noun) +113
योग्यता = COMPETENCY
Usage : HPCL has set exemplary organizational competency in carrying out complex and demanding projects.
(Noun) +69
योग्यता = ABILITY
उदाहरण : उन्हें स्थिति के लिए अपनी योग्यता साबित करनी पड़ी।
Usage : vijender won gold in his abilities.
(Noun) +54
योग्यता = COMPETENCE
Usage : No one doubts about her competence as a manager.
(Noun) +44

Definition of योग्य

  • वि० [सं०√युज्+णिच्, यत्, ये योग+यत्] [भाव० योग्यता] १. जिसमें सोचने-विचारने तथा कुछ विशिष्ट प्रकार के कामों को सुचारु रूप से करने-धरने की सहज क्षमता या क्रियाशीलता हो। काबिल। लायक (एबुल)। २. विद्या संपन्न तथा धीमान्। ३. अनेक प्रकार की युक्तियाँ जानने और उनका उपयोग करने वाला। ४. उचित। ठीक। मुनासिब। ५. जो किसी कार्य, पद आदि के लिए उपयुक्त हो। पात्र। ६. भूमि जो जोतने के लिए उपयुक्त हो। ७. योग करने अर्थात् जोड़नेवाला। ८. दर्शनीय। सुन्दर। ९. आदरणीय। मान्य। पुं० १. पुष्य नक्षत्र। २. ऋद्धि नामक ओषधि। ३. गाड़ी छकड़ा, रथ आदि सवारियाँ। ४. चन्दन

  • [Source: Pustak.org]

Sentence usage for योग्य will be shown here. Refresh Usages

Information provided about योग्य ( Yogy ):

योग्य (Yogy) meaning in English (इंग्लिश मे मीनिंग) is ELIGIBLE (योग्य ka matlab english me ELIGIBLE hai). Get meaning and translation of Yogy in English language with grammar, synonyms and antonyms by ShabdKhoj. Know the answer of question : what is meaning of Yogy in English? योग्य (Yogy) ka matalab Angrezi me kya hai ( योग्य का अंग्रेजी में मतलब, इंग्लिश में अर्थ जाने)

Tags: English meaning of योग्य , योग्य meaning in english, योग्य translation and definition in English.
English meaning of Yogy , Yogy meaning in english, Yogy translation and definition in English language by ShabdKhoj (From HinKhoj Group). योग्य का मतलब (मीनिंग) अंग्रेजी (इंग्लिश) में जाने |


Meaning Summary

योग्य के इंग्लिश मीनिंग: eligible, adequate, worthy, suitable, able, worth, expedient, current, desirable, capable, neat, merited, clever, deserving, doughty, profit, regular, meriting, susceptible, apt, worth salt, right, fit, ripe, expediential, good, acceptable, be one for, right up street, up street

Synonym/Similar Words: संतोषप्रद, सहनीय, स्वीकार्य, आच्छा, पार करने लायक, गमनीय, सन्तोषजनक, पार करने लायक, स्वीकृत, यथैष्ट, मान्यताप्राप्त, गम्य, पारणीय, काफ़ी अच्छ्, काफ़ी अच्छ्, बोहत ज्यादा, बोहत ज्यादा

Antonym/Opposite Words: अपात्र, अनर्जित, अस्वीकार्य, अस्वीकार्य/अवांछनीय, अवाँछनीय, अनिर्वाच्य