
परोपकार = CHARITYउदाहरण : उन्होंने परोपकार में अपना पैसा निपटाया।
Usage : charity begins at home.
Usage : charity begins at home.
(Noun) +157
परोपकार = BENEFICENCEUsage : by the beneficence of your lord. this will be the great success.
(Noun) +70
परोपकार = PHILANTHROPYउदाहरण : लोक-कल्याण की तरह नहीं, परोपकार की तरह नहीं,
Usage : his principle of philanthropy makes worry about the poor.
Usage : his principle of philanthropy makes worry about the poor.
(Noun) +4
परोपकार = PHILANTHROPHYUsage : From the soil of Bihar, Mahatma Buddha spread the message of peace and philanthropy to the world.
(Noun) +2
परोपकार = ALMS-DEEDUsage : Giving to charity is seen as a noble alms-deed in many cultures.
(Noun) +1
परोपकार = POLYMONIUM CAERULEUM VAN BRUNTIAEUsage : They spent their money on polymonium caeruleum van bruntiae.
(Noun) +1
परोपकारी = HUMANITARIANउदाहरण : परोपकारी की दान वास्तव में परोपकारी थी।
Usage : he returns to his humanitarian mission in calcutta, a sadder and wiser man.
Usage : he returns to his humanitarian mission in calcutta, a sadder and wiser man.
(Noun) +91
परोपकारी = PHILANTHROPISTउदाहरण : परोपकारी, गुजरात के एक व्यापारी महेश सवानी, ने सभी शहीदों के बच्चों को नि: शुल्क शिक्षा की पेशकश की है।
Usage : The philanthropist, Mahesh Savani a businessman from Gujarat, has offered free education to the children of all the martyrs.
Usage : The philanthropist, Mahesh Savani a businessman from Gujarat, has offered free education to the children of all the martyrs.
(Noun) +68
परोपकारी = ALTRUISTICउदाहरण : परोपकारी ने गाँव में नया स्कूल बनाने के लिए बड़ी राशि दान की।
Usage : she is an altruistic social worker.
Usage : she is an altruistic social worker.
(Adjective) +49