
पैमाना = MEASUREउदाहरण : सामग्री के पैमाने नुस्खे के लिए महत्वपूर्ण थे।
Usage : she never measures the effect of what she is going to say.
Usage : she never measures the effect of what she is going to say.
(Verb) +26
पैमाना = SCALEUsage : It was impossible to comprehend the full scale disaster.The scale of fees in the schools now a days is very high.The Earthquake measured 76 on the Ritcher scale.This ruler has one scale in centimetre and another in inches.At the other end of the scale we find gross poverty.
(Verb) +23
पैमाना = GAUGEUsage : there is a new equipment to guage the speed of the bowlers delivery.
(TransitiveVerb) +1
पैमाना = PROPORTIONSUsage : The proportions of ingredients must be accurate for the recipe.
(Noun) +1
पैमाना (of instrument) = SCALEउदाहरण : चिपचिपे पैमाने से ढके कलियाँ देखने में सुंदर हैं।
Usage : buds with a covering of sticky scales are beautiful to see.
Usage : buds with a covering of sticky scales are beautiful to see.
(Noun) +1
पैमाना संकेतक = POINTER FOR SCALEउदाहरण : उसने जो एक मछली पकड़ी वहाँ का आकार मापने के लिए एक पैमाना संकेतक का उपयोग किया।
Usage : She used a pointer for scale to measure the size of the fish she caught.
Usage : She used a pointer for scale to measure the size of the fish she caught.
(Noun) 0
पैमाना परिसीमा = LIMITATION OF SCALEउदाहरण : पैमाना परिसीमा उत्पादन के छोटे आकार में स्पष्ट था।
Usage : The limitation of scale was evident in the small size of the production.
Usage : The limitation of scale was evident in the small size of the production.
(Noun) +1
पैमाना नापने का साधान = METERउदाहरण : तकनीशियन ने वायरिंग की जांच के लिए पैमाना नापने का साधन का इस्तेमाल किया।
Usage : The technician used a meter to check the wiring.
Usage : The technician used a meter to check the wiring.
(Verb) +1