बार बार

बार बार = REPEATEDLYउदाहरण : इसे बार बार धोना चाहिए
Usage : it must be washed repeatedly
Usage : it must be washed repeatedly
(Adverb) +59
बार बार = OVER AND OVER AGAINउदाहरण : उसने मेरी बार बार सहायता की है।
Usage : Try to keep cool! It 's important not to get fed up if your child needs to practise things over and over again.
Usage : Try to keep cool! It 's important not to get fed up if your child needs to practise things over and over again.
(Adverb) +17
बार बार = RECURRENTLYUsage : Monotheism, Religious, Heaven, Hell, Courage, Devotion towards Religion are the topics which have been told recurrently.
(Adverb) +9
बार बार = TIME AFTER TIMEUsage : mind to people in Glasgow, they were expressing, time after time, apart from the people in
(Noun) +6
बार बार = REPETITIVELYUsage : this type of border display is used repetitively in advertising
(Adverb) +4
बार बार = TIME AND AGAINUsage : As per Islam For giving guidance to mankind time and again God has made some person as his messenges.
(Adverb) +3
बार बार = A GREAT DEALUsage : O believers, when you meet an army, stand firm, and think of God a great deal that you may be blessed with success.
(Adverb) +3
बार बार = OVER AND OVERUsage : the unknown word turned up over and over again in the text
(Adverb) 0
बार बार आना = RECURउदाहरण : उसके साथ मेरी पहली मुलाकात मुझे बार बार आती है। यह गलती फिर से बार बार नहीं आनी चाहिए।
Usage : This is a recurring story
Usage : This is a recurring story
(Verb) +4
बार बार कहना = REITERATEउदाहरण : सरकार ने गरीबों के उत्थान के प्रति अपनी प्रतिबद्धता को बार बार कहा है।
Usage : the government has reiterated its commitment to the upliftment of the poor.
Usage : the government has reiterated its commitment to the upliftment of the poor.
(TransitiveVerb) +22
बार बार जाना = FREQUENTउदाहरण : वह बार बार उसके घर जाता है।
Usage : He frequents to her place every now and then.
Usage : He frequents to her place every now and then.
(TransitiveVerb) +10
बार बार होना = REPEATउदाहरण : आज की घटनाएं कल की घटनाओं का बार बार होना था।
Usage : the events today were a repeat of yesterdays
Usage : the events today were a repeat of yesterdays
(Verb) +1
बार बार गर्म = REHEATINGउदाहरण : मैं अक्सर बार बार गर्म रोटी को माइक्रोवेव में गरम करता हूँ।
Usage : I am reheating yesterday's leftovers in the microwave.
Usage : I am reheating yesterday's leftovers in the microwave.
(Noun) 0