योजना बनाना
योजना बनाना
= PROJECTउदाहरण : प्रभाग के अधिदेशों में कृषि अभियांत्रिकी में अनुसंधान एवं विकास कार्यक्रमों की योजना बनाना, उनका समन्वय और निगरानी करने के साथ-साथ एक सूचना रिपोजिट्री के रूप में कार्य करना शामिल है।Usage : a projected drain improvement scheme is being implimented in our colony.
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= ORCHESTRATEUsage : the concert organizer had to orchestrate a complex logistics plan to ensure that all musicians arrived on time.
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= DEVISEउदाहरण : क्या आप वाकई नई परियोजना बनाना चाहते हैं और मौजूदा को छोड़ना चाहते हैं?
Usage : PM Modi devised a new formula - Information technology plus Indian talent is equal to India tomorrow.
योजना बनाना
= SCHEMEUsage : The workers started scheming against the manager.
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= ORGANISEUsage : Training organised internally without involving any outside agency etc.
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= MASTERMINDUsage : When Vajpayee took the bus to Lahore, few remembered it was Nawaz Sharif and his ISI chief Javed Nasir who masterminded the Mumbai blasts of 1993.
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= ENGINEERUsage : The mandates include engineering agricultural research and development programs, coordinating them, and serving as an information repository.
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= MAPउदाहरण : उसने नई परियोजना के लिए उसके विचारों से योजना बनाई |Usage : She mapped out her ideas for the new project.
योजना बनाना
= SLATEDउदाहरण : फिल्म 2.0 2010 की हिट फिल्म 'रोबोट' की अगली कड़ी है और दीवाली 2017 को प्रदर्शित होने की योजना बनी है।Usage : The movie 2.0 is slated for a Diwali 2017 release.
योजना बनाना
= DESIGNUsage : he contributed to the design of a new instrument
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= PHASEUsage : we are in a transitional stage in which many former ideas must be revised or rejected
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= SHAPEUsage : he could barely make out their shapes
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= ORGANIZEUsage : Can you help me organize my files?
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= THINK OFUsage : she looked on this affair as a joke
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= PLANUsage : they drew up a six-step plan
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= SET UPUsage : the event organizers set up the stage for the performance.
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= PLANNINGUsage : the planning was more fun than the trip itself
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= DIRECTUsage : he directed the children to do their homework
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OUTUsage : The division's mandate includes planning out agricultural engineering research and development programs.
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= ENGINEEREDUsage : like these with tissue - engineered bone to see how cancer
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= PREARRANGEUsage : Multipoint Control Units are used for both prearranged and ad - hoc video conferences.
योजना बनाना
= PROGRAMUsage : he proposed an elaborate program of public works
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= WORK OUTUsage : his colleagues worked out his interesting idea
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= CONCOCTUsage : I had to concoct a snack for the hungry guests in the kitchen.