अच्छा     sound icon
अच्छा = NICE
उदाहरण : आप १० संदेश तक भेज सकते हैं।
Usage : he is a nice man.
(Adjective) +139
अच्छा = CURRENT
उदाहरण : एक अच्छा इंसान बनने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए।
Usage : globalization is affecting our current culture
(Adjective) +105
उदाहरण : , जोकर में चिंता मत करो. मैं एक बहुत अच्छा शॉट हूँ. मैं पीने गया है खासकर जब.
Usage : the students effort on the essay--though not outstanding--was creditable
(Adjective) +88
अच्छा = CUNNING
Usage : a cunning person should be kept away
(Noun) +35
Usage : His story about fighting a bear is simply incredible.
(Adjective) +33
अच्छा = WELL
Usage : she was a well of information
(Noun) +27
अच्छा = FAIR
Usage : We visited the art fair yesterday.
(Noun) +20
अच्छा = COOL
Usage : the cool of early morning
(Noun) +19
अच्छा = SUPERIOR
Usage : be respectful to your superior.
(Noun) +19
अच्छा = UP TO
Usage : She will support you up to the limits of her responsibilities.
(Adjective) +19
अच्छा = BUMPER
Usage : bumper of my car has come off.
(Noun) +18
अच्छा = RELIABLE
Usage : her servant is reliable.
(Adjective) +17
अच्छा = HUMAN
Usage : another human being 's mind.
(Noun) +15
अच्छा = AS WELL
Usage : Show the tab bar even if only one tab is open as well.
(Adverb) +14
अच्छा = WISE
Usage : The existence-wise of many trees is unknown.
(Noun) +14
अच्छा = FINE
Usage : he had to pay a fine for not parking his car at a proper place.
(Noun) +11
अच्छा = SMART
Usage : he made me feel smart. he made me feel he was smart.
(Noun) +10
अच्छा = NEW
Usage : the ancient india was certainly better than this modern india
(Adjective) +8
अच्छा = NEAT
Usage : he wore a neat dress.
(Adjective) +8
अच्छा = KIND
Usage : either pay in cash or in kind.
(Noun) +8
अच्छा = SWEET
Usage : small kids always like sweet.
(Noun) +7
अच्छा = CLASSIC
Usage : the tennis match of today was a classic.
(Noun) +7
Usage : he gave an excellent speech on human rights.
(Adjective) +6
अच्छा = GENTLE
Usage : a gentle breeze is blowing across the beach.
(Verb) +6
अच्छा = PRETTY
Usage : but life was pretty good.
(Adverb) +5
अच्छा = GOOD
Usage : she has a good heart.
(Noun) +4
अच्छा = OKEY (OK)
Usage : she gave me the green light to proceed, saying "okey (ok)."
(Noun) +3
अच्छा = BRIGHT
Usage : the room was bright and airyhad a bright future in publishing
(Adjective) +3
अच्छा = STURDY
Usage : He is sturdy on his decision.
(Adjective) +3
अच्छा = ALL RIGHT
Usage : Yes, it is expensive but all right.
(Adverb) +3
अच्छा = GREAT
Usage : he is one of the greats of american music
(Noun) +3
अच्छा = SOUND
Usage : the sound of rain on the roof
(Noun) +3
अच्छा = CHOICE
Usage : your choice of colors was unfortunate
(Noun) +3
अच्छा = DECENT
उदाहरण : प्रदर्शनी काफी अच्छी थी।
Usage : the exhibition was quite decent.
(Adverb) +2
अच्छा = OCH
Usage : Don't worry, I'll handle it. I'm an och shot, especially after drinking.
(Noun) +2
अच्छा = BECOMING
Usage : She has a becoming hairstyle.
(Verb) +2
अच्छा = SHUNLESS
Usage : she achieved success in her career shunless sacrificing her values.
(Adjective) +1
अच्छा = GOOD-OH
Usage : "are we all set for the trip? good-oh!"
(Noun) +1
अच्छा = GOLDEN
Usage : i missed a golden chance of meeting bill gates when he visited india.
(Adjective) +1
अच्छा = CLASS
Usage : there are two classes of detergents
(Noun) +1
अच्छा = OKAY
उदाहरण : वह यह काम करने मे काफी अच्छा है |
Usage : are you okay, sweetie? yeah. everything 's fine.
(Noun) 0
अच्छा = HOT STUFF
Usage : he thought she was really hot stuff
(Noun) 0
Usage : she is a real good-looker, turning heads wherever she goes.
(Noun) 0
Usage : her good-heartedness is evident in all her actions.
(Noun) 0

Sentence usage for अच्छा will be shown here. Refresh Usages

Information provided about अच्छा ( Achchha ):

अच्छा (Achchha) meaning in English (इंग्लिश मे मीनिंग) is NICE (अच्छा ka matlab english me NICE hai). Get meaning and translation of Achchha in English language with grammar, synonyms and antonyms by ShabdKhoj. Know the answer of question : what is meaning of Achchha in English? अच्छा (Achchha) ka matalab Angrezi me kya hai ( अच्छा का अंग्रेजी में मतलब, इंग्लिश में अर्थ जाने)

Tags: English meaning of अच्छा , अच्छा meaning in english, अच्छा translation and definition in English.
English meaning of Achchha , Achchha meaning in english, Achchha translation and definition in English language by ShabdKhoj (From HinKhoj Group). अच्छा का मतलब (मीनिंग) अंग्रेजी (इंग्लिश) में जाने |


Meaning Summary

अच्छा के इंग्लिश मीनिंग: nice, current, creditable, cunning, incredible, well, fair, cool, superior, up to, bumper, reliable, human, as well, wise, fine, smart, new, neat, kind, sweet, classic, excellent, gentle, pretty, good, okey (ok), bright, sturdy, all right, great, sound, choice, decent, och, becoming, shunless, good-oh, golden, class, okay, hot stuff, good-looker, good-heartedness