
ढुलाई = FREIGHTउदाहरण : इस साल ईंधन की कीमतें बढ़ने से ढुलाई की लागत बढ़ गई है।
Usage : The freight arrived at the port on Monday.
Usage : The freight arrived at the port on Monday.
(Verb) +10
ढुलाई = PORTERAGEउदाहरण : सुविधाओं में ढुलाई, रेस्तरां और कॉकटेल बार शामिल हैं|
Usage : facilities include porterage, restaurant and cocktail bar.
Usage : facilities include porterage, restaurant and cocktail bar.
(noun) +1
ढुलाई = CARRYUsage : he has to carry the entire brood of his wife 's eggs on his back, until all the young bugs have hatched to jump off into the water.
(Verb) +1
ढुलाई = HAULINGUsage : The economies that could be effected on transport, if coals were washed before hauling, were self - evident.
(Noun) 0
ढुलाई पत्र = PORTAGE BILLउदाहरण : हाइकर को यह निर्देश दिया गया था कि वह अपनी कैनू को ट्रेल के पार लेने के लिए ढुलाई पत्र देना होगा।
Usage : The hiker was instructed to pay the portage bill for carrying his canoe across the trail.
Usage : The hiker was instructed to pay the portage bill for carrying his canoe across the trail.
(Noun) 0
ढुलाई गाड़ी = DUMP WAGONउदाहरण : किसान अपनी फसल को बाजार में ले जाने के लिए ढुलाई गाड़ी का उपयोग करते थे।
Usage : The farmers used a dump wagon to transport their harvest to the market.
Usage : The farmers used a dump wagon to transport their harvest to the market.
(Noun) 0
ढुलाई रस्सा = HAULAGE ROPEउदाहरण : कामगार भारी सामान को ढुलाई रस्से की मदद से खींचते थे।
Usage : The workers pulled the heavy cargo using the haulage rope.
Usage : The workers pulled the heavy cargo using the haulage rope.
(Noun) 0
ढुलाई उपस्कर = HAULING EQUIPMENTउदाहरण : निर्माण समूह ढुलाई उपकरण को स्थल पर ले जाने में व्यस्त था।
Usage : The construction crew was busy hauling equipment to the site.
Usage : The construction crew was busy hauling equipment to the site.
(Noun) 0