avikalpi parajivi
परजीवी = PARASITEउदाहरण : परजीवी चिंचडियां और सूत्रकृमि भी इनपर आक्रमण करते हैं.
Usage : bacteria is a parasite.
Usage : bacteria is a parasite.
(Noun) +42
परजीवी = PARASITICALUsage : the company was accused of engaging in parasitical practices to exploit small businesses.
(Adjective) +5
परजीवी = PARASITOIDउदाहरण : एक परजीवी किसी जीव पर या एक परपोषी जीव पर निर्भर रहता है और अंततः परपोषी का भक्षण करता है|
Usage : a parasitoid is an organism that lives on or in a host organism and ultimately kills the host.
Usage : a parasitoid is an organism that lives on or in a host organism and ultimately kills the host.
(noun) +2
परजीविता = PARASITICALNESSउदाहरण : मैं पुजारियों का कम उनकी परजीविता का घोर विरोधी हूँ|
Usage : the parasiticalness of the relationship became apparent when she realized he was only using her for money.
Usage : the parasiticalness of the relationship became apparent when she realized he was only using her for money.
(Noun) 0