धमकाना = INTIMIDATEउदाहरण : उसका मालिक खतरों से उसे धमकाता है
Usage : Her boss intimidates her by threats.
Usage : Her boss intimidates her by threats.
(TransitiveVerb) +49
धमकाना = THREATENउदाहरण : नौकर ने मालिक को वेतन न देने पर धमकाया। जब मैंने पुलिस को फोन करने की कोशिश की, तो उसने मुझे धमकाया।
Usage : the servant threatened his master for not paying him his salary.he threatened me when i tried to call the police.
Usage : the servant threatened his master for not paying him his salary.he threatened me when i tried to call the police.
(TransitiveVerb) +39
धमकाना = BULLYउदाहरण : वह कभी किसी कमजोर को धमकाने के लिए हाथ नहीं उठाएगा।
Usage : Do n 't bully your children - no one reacts well to bullies
Usage : Do n 't bully your children - no one reacts well to bullies
(Verb) +28
धमकाना = RAISE A HAND AGAINSTUsage : The protesters raised a hand against the government's decision to cut funding for education.
(Verb) +11