kadai lachili haddi ka
कड़ी हार = MASSACREउदाहरण : निर्दोष नागरिकों की कड़ी हार हुई।
Usage : there was a blood massacre of innocent civilians.
Usage : there was a blood massacre of innocent civilians.
(Noun) +19
कड़ी कैदअ = PENAL SERVITUDEउदाहरण : उस अपराधी को दस साल की कड़ी कैदअ की सजा सुनाई गई।
Usage : He was sentenced to 10 years of penal servitude for his involvement in the robbery.
Usage : He was sentenced to 10 years of penal servitude for his involvement in the robbery.
(Noun) +3
कड़ी निंदा = TIRADEउदाहरण : इस्तीफा देने के बाद, उपेंद्र कुशवाहा ने बिहार के मुख्यमंत्री के खिलाफ अपनी कड़ी निंदा जारी रखी है।
Usage : after his resignation, upendra kushwaha has continued his tirade against the bihar chief minister.
Usage : after his resignation, upendra kushwaha has continued his tirade against the bihar chief minister.
(Noun) +18
कड़ी फटकार = TONGUE LASHINGउदाहरण : मैनेजर ने कर्मचारी को देर से आने के लिए कड़ी फटकार दी।
Usage : The manager gave a tongue lashing to the employee for being late again.
Usage : The manager gave a tongue lashing to the employee for being late again.
(Noun) +7
कड़ी चर्बी = SUETउदाहरण : यह कड़ी चर्बी का हलवा स्वादिष्ट है।
Usage : This suet pudding is tasty.
Usage : This suet pudding is tasty.
(Noun) +4