
कानाफूसी = WHISPERउदाहरण : ऑफिस में नई नीति के बारे में कानाफूसी हो रही थी।
Usage : There was whispering about the new office policy.
Usage : There was whispering about the new office policy.
(TransitiveVerb) +67
कानाफूसी = WHISPERINGउदाहरण : अगले दिन, जब रघु बाहर की धुंध और बूंदा-बांदी के बारे में राजा से कानाफूसी कर रहा था, वह बार-बार सेनापति की ओर देख रहा था।
Usage : the next day, when raghu was whispering to the king about the mist and drizzle outside, he looked repeatedly at the commander - in - chief.
Usage : the next day, when raghu was whispering to the king about the mist and drizzle outside, he looked repeatedly at the commander - in - chief.
(Noun) +14
कानाफूसी = BREATHUsage : he took a deep breath and dived into the poolhis sour breath offended her
(Noun) +5
कानाफूसी = MURMURINGSUsage : The office was filled with murmurings about the new policy change.
(Noun) +1
कानाफूसी करना = BREATHEउदाहरण : मैं साफ हवा में बेहतर कानाफूसी कर सकता हूँ
Usage : i can breathe better when the air is clean
Usage : i can breathe better when the air is clean
(Verb) +2