माननीय = HONORABLEउदाहरण : माननीय न्यायाधीश, आपके निर्णय की प्रतीक्षा है।
Usage : honorable judge of the supreme court is highly qualified
Usage : honorable judge of the supreme court is highly qualified
(Adjective) +45
माननीय = ESTEEMEDउदाहरण : इसलिए आप में से एक समूह हो जो अच्छाई की ओर बुलाए, माननीय कार्यों का आदेश दे और अशोभनीय कार्यों से रोके। वहीं सफल होंगे।
Usage : so let there be a body among you who may call to the good, enjoin what is esteemed and forbid what is odious. they are those who will be successful.
Usage : so let there be a body among you who may call to the good, enjoin what is esteemed and forbid what is odious. they are those who will be successful.
(Verb) +36
माननीय = HONORARYउदाहरण : वह दुनिया भर में लगभग तीस क्लबों के माननीय सदस्य है|
Usage : he is honorary member of about 30 clubs worldwide.
Usage : he is honorary member of about 30 clubs worldwide.
(adjective) +5
माननीय = HONOURABLEUsage : He is an honourable member of nearly thirty clubs worldwide.
(Adjective) +3