paka hua

पका हुआ = RIPEउदाहरण : सभी आम खाने के लिए पके हुए हैं।
Usage : all the mangoes are ripe enough to eat.
Usage : all the mangoes are ripe enough to eat.
(Adjective) +86
पका हुआ = MATUREUsage : the survey report was that the fruits were not mature enough to be sold.
(Adjective) +25
पका हुआ = CLOTTEDउदाहरण : अरबी भाषा में 'अलक' शब्द का अर्थ है पका हुआ रक्त और दूसरा अर्थ लेech जैसा है।
Usage : in this one word of arabic language 'alak' has been used, which means clotted blood (clotted blood) and the second meaning is like leech.
Usage : in this one word of arabic language 'alak' has been used, which means clotted blood (clotted blood) and the second meaning is like leech.
(adjective) +2
पका हुआ ठंड़ा गोश्त = COLD CUTSउदाहरण : होटल में परोसा गया पका हुआ ठंड़ा गोश्त स्वादिष्ट नहीं है।
Usage : Cold cuts served in the hotel is not tasty.
Usage : Cold cuts served in the hotel is not tasty.
(Noun) +2