प्रीतिकर ढंग से = ENDEARINGLYउदाहरण : ज्योतिरिंद्रनाथ टैगोर ने अपनी स्मृतियों में इस महत्वपूर्ण काम के दिलचस्प और मनोरंजक टुकड़ों का प्रीतिकर ढंग से उल्लेख किया है।
Usage : Jyotirindranath Tagore in his reminiscences has endearingly referred to some of the more interesting and entertaining pieces of this significant work.
Usage : Jyotirindranath Tagore in his reminiscences has endearingly referred to some of the more interesting and entertaining pieces of this significant work.
(Adverb) +10
प्यारा, प्रीतिकर = ENDEARINGउदाहरण : अब्दुल हक को लगभग सभी के लिए प्यारा बनाने वाले गुण वही थे जो उसने बचपन में विकसित किए थे।
Usage : the traits that made abdul haq endearing to almost every one were the ones that he had formed in his early childhood.
Usage : the traits that made abdul haq endearing to almost every one were the ones that he had formed in his early childhood.
(Verb) +21