स्टाक = STOCKउदाहरण : उसकी माँ ने उसे सारा स्टाक दे दिया ताकि वह अच्छे से अपना व्यवसाय शुरू कर सके।
Usage : his mother gave him all her stock so that he could start his business well.
Usage : his mother gave him all her stock so that he could start his business well.
(Noun) 0
स्टाक की जाँच = STOCK TAKINGउदाहरण : अधिकांशत: सभी सेना की दुकानें महीने के आखिरी सप्ताह में स्टाक की जाँच के कारण बंद रहती हैं।
Usage : mostly all the army stores remain closed during the last week of a month on account of stock taking.
Usage : mostly all the army stores remain closed during the last week of a month on account of stock taking.
(Noun) +1
स्टाक मार्केट आदि की गुप्त सूचना देने वाला = TIPSTERउदाहरण : वह स्टाक मार्केट आदि की गुप्त सूचना देने वाला है।
Usage : he is a tipster.
Usage : he is a tipster.
(Noun) 0