स्टाल = STALLउदाहरण : ताश प्रसंग इंस्टाल करें...
Usage : the plane went into a stall and I couldnt control it
Usage : the plane went into a stall and I couldnt control it
(Noun) +4
स्टाल = STALL-FEEDUsage : The farmer stall-feeds his cows to ensure they get enough food every day.
(Noun) 0
स्तालिनवाद = STALINISMउदाहरण : मैंने ट्रोत्स्की का बचाव इसलिए किया क्योंकि संघर्ष स्तालिनवाद के खिलाफ था .
Usage : I defended Trotsky because the struggle was against Stalinism.
Usage : I defended Trotsky because the struggle was against Stalinism.
(Noun) +5
स्तालिनग्राद = STALINGRADउदाहरण : ' 42 के बसन्त में स्तालिनग्राद ( अब वोल्गोग्राद ) में बीसवीं सदी का सबसे खूनी युद्ध लड़ा जाता है।
Usage : In the spring of '42, the bloodiest battle of the 20th century was fought in Stalingrad (now Volgograd).
Usage : In the spring of '42, the bloodiest battle of the 20th century was fought in Stalingrad (now Volgograd).
(Noun) +3