समानांतर = PARALLELउदाहरण : दोनों सड़कें एक-दूसरे के समानांतर चलती हैं।
Usage : The two projects were developed in parallel.
Usage : The two projects were developed in parallel.
(Noun) +13
समानांतर होना = PARALLELउदाहरण : पौधे की पत्ती का शिराविन्यास का समानांतर होना देखा जाता है।
Usage : Making paper from waste required a large amount of money, which was parallel difficult to obtain.
Usage : Making paper from waste required a large amount of money, which was parallel difficult to obtain.
(Verb) +12
समानांतर चतुर्भुज = PARALLELOGRAMउदाहरण : इसे थोडा धक्का दीजिये, और ये बन गया समानांतर चतुर्भुज (पैरालैलोग्राम)।
Usage : this picture is in the shape of parallelogram.
Usage : this picture is in the shape of parallelogram.
(Noun) +62
समानांतर रेखाएँ खींचना = RULEउदाहरण : नाश्ते से पहले टहलना उसकी समानांतर रेखाएँ खींचना था।
Usage : it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast
Usage : it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast
(Verb) 0