
सरलीकृत = SIMPLIFIEDउदाहरण : निर्देशों को बेहतर समझ के लिए सरलीकृत किया गया।
Usage : The instructions were simplified for better understanding.
Usage : The instructions were simplified for better understanding.
(Verb) +44
सरलीकृत करना = SIMPLIFYउदाहरण : हमें निर्देशों को सरलीकृत करना पड़ा।
Usage : we had to simplify the instructions
Usage : we had to simplify the instructions
(Verb) +15
सरलीकृत करने वाला = FACILITATORउदाहरण : वैश्विक सरलीकृत करने वालों के।
Usage : The facilitator made the workshop more engaging.
Usage : The facilitator made the workshop more engaging.
(Noun) 0
सरलीकृत कर्मचारी पेंशन योजना = SIMPLIFIED EMPLOYEE PENSION PLANउदाहरण : अनेक छोटे व्यवसाय सरलीकृत कर्मचारी पेंशन योजना प्रदान करते हैं ताकि अपने कर्मचारियों को विवादित लाभ प्रदान कर सकें।
Usage : Many small businesses offer a simplified employee pension plan to provide retirement benefits to their employees.
Usage : Many small businesses offer a simplified employee pension plan to provide retirement benefits to their employees.
(noun) 0