
श्रवणसीमा = EARSHOTउदाहरण : "देखो, मम्मी," जोश चिल्लाया जब वह अभी भी श्रवणसीमा में थीं।
Usage : Your child may come within earshot to express their thoughts.
Usage : Your child may come within earshot to express their thoughts.
(Noun) 0
श्रवणसीमा में = WITHIN EARSHOTउदाहरण : वाटरफॉल की आवाज़ श्रवणसी में थी, लेकिन उन्होंने और ज़्यादा चढ़ाई करनी पड़ी ताकि उसे देख सकें।
Usage : The police officer was able to overhear the suspicious conversation within earshot of her desk.
Usage : The police officer was able to overhear the suspicious conversation within earshot of her desk.
(Noun) +1
श्रवणसीमा से दूर = OUT OF EARSHOTउदाहरण : जोड़े ने श्रवणसीमा से दूर चले गए और अपने योजनाओं पर चर्चा कर रहे थे, किसी और को सुनने नहीं चाहते थे।
Usage : The hikers had to climb a steep hill before they were out of earshot from their campsite, where their friends were waiting with snacks and drinks.
Usage : The hikers had to climb a steep hill before they were out of earshot from their campsite, where their friends were waiting with snacks and drinks.
(Noun) 0