
श्वेतसार = STARCHउदाहरण : शक्कर और श्वेतसार युक्त भोजन अम्ल और प्लाक उत्पन्न करते हैं जो दांत क्षय और मसूड़ों की बीमारी को बढ़ावा दे सकते हैं।
Usage : sugary and starchy foods generate acid and plaque that can cause tooth decay and promote gum disease.
Usage : sugary and starchy foods generate acid and plaque that can cause tooth decay and promote gum disease.
(Noun) +10
श्वेतसारमेह = CARBOHYDRATURIAउदाहरण : श्वेतसारमेह एक स्थिति है जहां मूत्र में अतिरिक्त ग्लूकोज निकाला जाता है।
Usage : the presence of carbohydrates in urine is known as carbohydraturia.
Usage : the presence of carbohydrates in urine is known as carbohydraturia.
(Noun) +1
श्वेतसारमेह = AMYLOSURIAUsage : The diagnosis of amylosuria was confirmed through urine tests.
(Noun) 0
श्वेतसारमेह = AMYLURIAUsage : The doctor diagnosed the patient with amyluria, indicating a possible kidney issue.
(Noun) 0
श्वेतसारयुक्त = STARCHYउदाहरण : आलू श्वेतसारयुक्त होते हैं।
Usage : The paper was made starchy for better ink absorption.
Usage : The paper was made starchy for better ink absorption.
(Adjective) +1