स्टाफ = STAFFउदाहरण : यदि स्टाफ़ को ख़बर न मिलें तो उन्हें चिंता होगी।
Usage : the old man was walking with the help of a staff.
Usage : the old man was walking with the help of a staff.
(Noun) +11
स्टाफ = STAFFINGUsage : The company is currently hiring new employees for their staffing needs.
(Noun) +1
स्टाप = STOPउदाहरण : यह पहाड़ी के नीचे स्टाप पर आ गया।
Usage : it came to a stop at the bottom of the hill
Usage : it came to a stop at the bottom of the hill
(Noun) 0
स्टाफ़ सार्जेंट = STAFF SERGEANTउदाहरण : स्टाफ़ सार्जेंट ने युद्ध में प्लाटून का नेतृत्व करने का जिम्मा संभाला।
Usage : The staff sergeant was in charge of leading the troops during the mission.
Usage : The staff sergeant was in charge of leading the troops during the mission.
(Noun) +1
स्टाफ़ परिचारिका = STAFF NURSEउदाहरण : अस्पताल ने रोगियों की देखभाल में मदद के लिए एक नए स्टाफ़ परिचारिका को नौकरी दी।
Usage : The hospital hired a new staff nurse to help with patient care.
Usage : The hospital hired a new staff nurse to help with patient care.
(Noun) +4