
स्वाधीन = INDEPENDENTउदाहरण : स्वाधीन भारत की अंतरिम सरकार
Usage : Some independent evidence has recently come to light.Independent schools prove better education.We demand independent inquiry into the governments handling of the affair.These days the number of independent candidates are increasing.
Usage : Some independent evidence has recently come to light.Independent schools prove better education.We demand independent inquiry into the governments handling of the affair.These days the number of independent candidates are increasing.
(Adjective) +8
स्वाधीन = SELF SUFFICIENTUsage : from being 'basket case' in 1971, it is now self-sufficient in food grains.
(Adjective) +2
स्वाधीनता = INDEPENDENCEउदाहरण : ये आपकी स्वाधीनता का मसला भी है.
Usage : The robot has three degrees of independence, allowing it to move in various directions.
Usage : The robot has three degrees of independence, allowing it to move in various directions.
(Noun) +23
स्वाधीनता = SELF DETERMINATIONUsage : The right to self-determination and human rights rhetoric are mere facades for the separatists.
(Noun) +5