thok vyapari

थोक व्यापारी = JOBBERउदाहरण : एक थोक व्यापारी जो आम जनता को नहीं बेच सकता और केवल अन्य व्यापारियों को ही बेच सकता है।
Usage : The jobber secured a large order for the factory.
Usage : The jobber secured a large order for the factory.
(Noun) +15
थोक व्यापारी = WHOLESALE DEALERउदाहरण : एक थोक कार व्यापारी आम जनता के लिए वाहनों को नहीं बेच सकता और दूसरे कार व्यापारी को ही बेच सकता हैं|
Usage : a wholesale car dealer that cannot sell vehicles to the general public and can sell only to other car dealers.
Usage : a wholesale car dealer that cannot sell vehicles to the general public and can sell only to other car dealers.
(noun) +6
थोक व्यापारी = MIDDLEMANUsage : he was lucky to have an experienced middleman to help him.
(Noun) +2
थोक व्यापारी = STOCKISTUsage : company to stockist to retailers to consumer is a traditional trade channel being adopted by most consumer goods companies.
(Noun) +2