वाइसरय = VICEROYउदाहरण : १९ शताव्दीको अन्तमा ब्रिटिश वाइसरय जर्ज नैथैनियल गर्जनले एक वृहत प्रत्यावर्तन परियोजना आरम्भ गरे ।
Usage : lord mount b. was the viceroy of india at the time of indias independence.
Usage : lord mount b. was the viceroy of india at the time of indias independence.
(Noun) +7
वाइसरय का = VICEREGALउदाहरण : वाइसरय का आवास हरे भरे बागों से सजाया गया था।
Usage : The viceregal residence was adorned with lush gardens.
Usage : The viceregal residence was adorned with lush gardens.
(Adjective) +1
वाइसरयल्टी = VICEROYALTYउदाहरण : भारत पर ब्रिटिश शासन का अंत, जिसका वाइसरयल्टी उच्च प्रतीक था, गांधी की सबसे बड़ी आकांक्षा थी।
Usage : 'The end of British rule over India, of which Viceroyalty was the exalted symbol, was a consummation most ardently longed for by Gandhi.
Usage : 'The end of British rule over India, of which Viceroyalty was the exalted symbol, was a consummation most ardently longed for by Gandhi.
(Noun) +37
वाइसरय का पद = VICEROYSHIPउदाहरण : भारत का वाइसरय का पद ब्रिटिश शासनकाल में स्थापित किया गया था।
Usage : The viceroyship of India was established during British colonial rule.
Usage : The viceroyship of India was established during British colonial rule.
(Noun) +35
वाइसरय की पत्नी = VICEREINEउदाहरण : कॉलनी की वाइसरय की पत्नी ने आगंतुक श्रेष्ठों के लिए एक विशाल भोजन का आयोजन किया।
Usage : The vicereine of the colony hosted a grand banquet for the visiting dignitaries.
Usage : The vicereine of the colony hosted a grand banquet for the visiting dignitaries.
(Noun) +2