वोल्क = VOLKउदाहरण : वोल्क नए सरकारी नीतियों के खिलाफ चौक में एकत्रित हुआ।
Usage : The volk gathered in the square to protest against the new government policies.
Usage : The volk gathered in the square to protest against the new government policies.
(Noun) +3
वोलखोव क्षेत्र = VOLKHOVउदाहरण : वोलखोव क्षेत्र की प्राकृतिक सुंदरता अद्भुत है।
Usage : The Volkhov river is known for its stunning natural beauty.
Usage : The Volkhov river is known for its stunning natural beauty.
(Adjective) 0
संस्कृति = VOLKGEISTउदाहरण : समुदाय की संस्कृति में उनकी मजबूत एकता स्पष्ट थी।
Usage : the volkgeist of the community was evident in their strong sense of unity.
Usage : the volkgeist of the community was evident in their strong sense of unity.
(Noun) +8
वाल्कार्टिया = VOLKARTIAउदाहरण : वाल्कार्टिया का राज्य अपने सुंदर बागों के लिए प्रसिद्ध था।
Usage : The kingdom of Vokartia was known for its beautiful gardens.
Usage : The kingdom of Vokartia was known for its beautiful gardens.
(Noun) 0