
अकोरक = ABLASTउदाहरण : वैज्ञानिकों ने प्रयोगशाला में अकोरक प्रयोग किया।
Usage : The scientists conducted an ablast experiment in the lab.
Usage : The scientists conducted an ablast experiment in the lab.
(Noun) +1
अकोरकी = ABLASTICउदाहरण : मरीज को अकोरकी अनेमिया का निदान लगाया गया, जिसे तुरंत इलाज की आवश्यकता थी।
Usage : The patient was diagnosed with ablastic anemia, requiring immediate treatment.
Usage : The patient was diagnosed with ablastic anemia, requiring immediate treatment.
(Noun) +1
अकोरिया = ACOREAउदाहरण : उसने काम अकोरिया किया, जिससे सब लोग उसकी क्षमता से प्रभावित हुए।
Usage : She completed the task acorea, impressing everyone with her efficiency.
Usage : She completed the task acorea, impressing everyone with her efficiency.
(Adverb) 0
अकोरस ग्रामाइनस = GENUS ACORUSउदाहरण : अकोरस ग्रामाइनस जलवायु में उगने वाले पौधों का एक प्रसिद्ध समूह है।
Usage : The genus Acorus is known for its wetland plants that thrive in marshy environments.
Usage : The genus Acorus is known for its wetland plants that thrive in marshy environments.
(Noun) 0