अलौकिक = SUPERHUMANउदाहरण : आंशिक रूप से यह नाटक मे प्रस्तुत अलौकिक बातो के कारण है।
Usage : His superhuman strength saved many lives during the disaster.
Usage : His superhuman strength saved many lives during the disaster.
(Adjective) +26
अलौकिक = UNCANNYउदाहरण : रात में जंगल में अलौकिक उपस्थिति महसूस होती थी।
Usage : he has an uncanny habit of talking to spirits.
Usage : he has an uncanny habit of talking to spirits.
(Adjective) +14
अलौकिक = EXTRA TERRESTRIALUsage : The movie is about an extra terrestrial being who visits Earth.
(Noun) +8
अलौकिक = THE SUPERNATURALUsage : It is due partly to the supernatural factor introduced in the play.
(Noun) +4
अलौकिक = EXTRA-MUNDANEUsage : Partly, this is due to the extra-mundane elements presented in the play.
(Noun) 0
अलौकिक = HYPERPHYSICALUsage : The concept of hyperphysical beings existing beyond our world is intriguing.
(Adjective) 0
अलौकिक = SUPERMUNDANEUsage : she had a supermundane experience during her meditation session.
(Adjective) 0
अलौकिक = PSYCHICALUsage : the psychical sight receives characteristically the images that are formed in the subtle matter of the mental or psychical ether, cittdkdsa.
(Adjective) 0
अलौकिक = ELDRITCHUsage : the old abandoned mansion had an eldritch feel to it, sending shivers down my spine.
(Adjective) 0
अलौकिक = PRETERNATURALUsage : rishu has a preternatural power of knowing the future of people by readingtheir forehead.
(Adjective) 0
अलौकिकता = UNWORLDLINESSउदाहरण : हम जब भी खूबसूरती, मासूमियत और अलौकिकता की साझी कल्पना करते हैं तो दिलोदिमाग में सफेद वस्त्रों में सजी परियां थिरक उठती है!
Usage : This. feeling only accentuated her unworldliness and bred in her a peculiar mood of restlessness and resignation.
Usage : This. feeling only accentuated her unworldliness and bred in her a peculiar mood of restlessness and resignation.
(noun) +2
अलौकिक घटना = SUPERNATURALउदाहरण : वह अलौकिक घटना में विश्वास नहीं करती।
Usage : She doesnt believe in the supernatural
Usage : She doesnt believe in the supernatural
(Verb) +8
अलौकिकतावाद = SUPERNATURALISMउदाहरण : कई लोग अलौकिकतावाद में विश्वास करते हैं, सोचते हैं कि यहाँ विज्ञान से परे कुछ शक्तियाँ काम कर रही हैं।
Usage : many people believe in supernaturalism, thinking that there are forces beyond scientific explanation at play.
Usage : many people believe in supernaturalism, thinking that there are forces beyond scientific explanation at play.
(Noun) +3
अलौकिक शक्ति = SUPERNATURALउदाहरण : परन्तु मैं जानता था कि मुझे अलौकिक शक्तियों की ज़रुरत होगी
(Noun) +7