ग़ुलामी = SLAVERYउदाहरण : उन्होंने जापानियों के आधुनिक होने के लिए उनकी सराहना की और साथ ही चेतावनी भी दी कि? सच्ची आधुनिकता मानसिक स्वतंत्रता है, स्वाद की गुलामी नहीं.
Usage : The history of slavery is a tragic part of humanity.
Usage : The history of slavery is a tragic part of humanity.
(Noun) +123
ग़ुलामी = SERVITUDEUsage : They praised the Japanese for their modernity but warned that true modernity is mental freedom, not a servitude to taste.
(Noun) +15
ग़ुलामी = FREEDOM FROM INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDEUsage : "The Constitution guarantees every citizen freedom from involuntary servitude."
(Noun) +2
ग़ुलामी = UNFREEDOMUsage : The people were living in a state of unfreedom under the oppressive regime.
(Noun) +1
गुलामी से = SLAVELIKEउदाहरण : उसने गुलामी से काम किया, बिना किसी आराम के लंबे घंटे काम किया।
Usage : He worked slavelike, putting in long hours without any rest.
Usage : He worked slavelike, putting in long hours without any rest.
(Adverb) 0
गुलामी करना = SLAVEHOLDINGउदाहरण : इतिहास में कई उन्मूलनवादियों ने गुलामी करने की क्रिया की निंदा की।
Usage : The practice of slaveholding was condemned by many abolitionists throughout history.
Usage : The practice of slaveholding was condemned by many abolitionists throughout history.
(Verb) 0
गुलामी विरोधी पार्टी = FREE SOIL PARTYउदाहरण : गुलामी विरोधी पार्टी ने 1840 और 1850 के दशक में राजनीतिक परिदृश्य में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई।
Usage : The Free Soil Party played a significant role in the 1840s and 1850s political landscape.
Usage : The Free Soil Party played a significant role in the 1840s and 1850s political landscape.
(Noun) 0
गुलामी/पराधीनता/दासता = YOKEउदाहरण : अत्याचारी की पराधीनता में रहते हुए
Usage : under the yoke of a tyrant
Usage : under the yoke of a tyrant
(Noun) +16