ज़ब्त = CONFISCATEDउदाहरण : कार भुगतान न होने पर ज़ब्त हो गई।
Usage : His property was confiscated.
Usage : His property was confiscated.
(Adjective) +35
ज़ब्त = CLUTCHEDUsage : On the cliff, the men clutched at each other as they sought to keep from being blown away.
(Verb) +2
ज़ब्त = IMPOUNDEDउदाहरण : उनकी संपत्ति भी जब्त कर ली गयी.
Usage : The impounded cash balance will be released as per orders of the court.
Usage : The impounded cash balance will be released as per orders of the court.
(Verb) 0
ज़ब्त = SARRACENIA MINORUsage : The botanist decided to sarracenia minor the invasive species from the wetlands.
(Verb) 0
ज़ब्त = ORTOLAN BUNTINGUsage : The team ortolan bunting their way through the dense forest, searching for new opportunities.
(Verb) 0
करना = IMPOUNDउदाहरण : एफबीआई ने ड्रग्स को जब्त कर लिया।
Usage : The FBI seized the drugs
Usage : The FBI seized the drugs
(Verb) 0
जब्तकर्ता = CAPTURERउदाहरण : पुलिस को जब्तकर्ता की मदद से सभी अवैध सामान को पकड़ने में सफलता मिली।
Usage : The wildlife photographer was known as a skilled capturer of rare moments in nature.
Usage : The wildlife photographer was known as a skilled capturer of rare moments in nature.
(Noun) 0
जब्तकर्ता = SEIZERUsage : The seizer of the stolen goods ensured that all items were properly documented.
(Noun) 0
जब्त कर लिया = FORFEITEDउदाहरण : प्रशासन ने मौक पर रखा सामान जब्त कर लिया और भूमि पर पालिका की मल्कीयत का बोर्ड लगा दिया|
Usage : If any claim is found to be fraudulent in any way, this policy will not apply and all claims will be forfeited.
Usage : If any claim is found to be fraudulent in any way, this policy will not apply and all claims will be forfeited.
(adjective) +3
जब्त करने वाला = DISTRAINORउदाहरण : जब्त करने वाले ने किराया न चुकाने पर संपत्ति जब्त कर ली।
Usage : The distrainor seized the property for non-payment of rent.
Usage : The distrainor seized the property for non-payment of rent.
(Noun) 0