ढ़ाँचा     sound icon
ढ़ाँचा = CHASE
उदाहरण : प्राचीन खंडहर का ढाँचा अद्भुत था।
Usage : When you are free from restrictions, you may chase.
(Noun) +38
ढ़ाँचा = CONSOLE
उदाहरण : योग स्वस्थ ढाँचा बनाए रखने में मदद करता है।
Usage : the bust of napoleon stood on a console
(Noun) +35
ढ़ाँचा = FRAMEWORK
Usage : providing a factual framework for future research
(Noun) +32
ढ़ाँचा = FRAME
Usage : the main frame of the aircraft is ready.
(Verb) +22
ढ़ाँचा = MOULD
Usage : the bricks are moulded by hand.
(Verb) +21
ढ़ाँचा = BLOCK
Usage : the pyramids were built with large stone blocks
(Verb) +18
ढ़ाँचा = CARRIAGE
Usage : The carriage arrived right on time.
(Noun) +11
ढ़ाँचा = SHELL
Usage : the satellite is covered with a smooth shell of ice
(Noun) +11
ढ़ाँचा = SKELETON
Usage : the battalion was a mere skeleton of its former self
(Noun) +7
ढ़ाँचा = SHAPE
Usage : he could barely make out their shapes
(Verb) +6
ढ़ाँचा = STRUCTURE
Usage : subject,verb and object is the structure of a sentence.
(Noun) +4
ढ़ाँचा = FORMS
Usage : There are various forms of art that can be seen in the museum.
(Noun) +4
ढ़ाँचा = FORM
Usage : the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached
(Verb) +4
ढ़ाँचा = FABRIC
Usage : i prefer cotton fabric.
(Noun) +4
ढ़ाँचा = CADRE
Usage : he asked the party cadres to be fully prepared for the future electoral exercises.
(Noun) +3
ढ़ाँचा = COMPAGES
Usage : The compages of the ancient structure fascinated the archaeologists.
(Noun) +3
ढ़ाँचा = BODY
Usage : the body of the truck got completely damaged in the accident.
(Noun) +3
ढ़ाँचा = CAGE
Usage : the pigeons were released from the cage to mark independence day celebrations.
(Noun) +2
ढ़ाँचा = SET
Usage : set of workers got buried under the debris.
(Verb) +2
ढ़ाँचा = SKETCH
Usage : he made several studies before starting to paint
(Noun) +1
ढ़ाँचा = DRAFTS
Usage : An error occurred while saving to your Drafts folder.
(Noun) +1
ढ़ाँचा = ARMATURE
Usage : The device used for winding up a spring driven armature.
(Noun) +1
Usage : Yoga helps in maintaining a healthy physical body.
(Noun) +1
ढ़ाँचा = BODYWORK
Usage : The bodywork of the ancient ruin was amazing.
(Noun) +1
ढ़ाँचा = HOUSING
Usage : I 'Il give you the down payment in a few days. My housing money and passport are at the military headquarters. You know how the army is.
(Noun) +1
Usage : The underframe of the train needs repair.
(Noun) +1
Usage : The skeletal frame of the building is complete.
(Noun) +1
ढ़ाँचा = BONE
Usage : This will be their retribution for having denied Our signs and said: "Once we are turned to bones and bits, can we be raised as a new creation?"
(Verb) +1
ढ़ाँचा = MEMBER
Usage : only members will be admitted
(Noun) +1
ढ़ाँचा = TRUSS
Usage : the truss caved in,in the auditorium.
(Verb) +1
ढ़ाँचा = TERM
Usage : a healthy baby born at full term.
(Noun) 0
ढ़ाँचा = MACHINERY
Usage : the complex machinery of negotiation
(Noun) 0
ढ़ाँचा = SASH
Usage : rajasthani women usually wears sash.
(Noun) 0
ढ़ाँचा = CARCASS
Usage : in drought - hit kolhar village, the pravara river is now full of earthen pots, ash and animal carcasses instead of water.
(Noun) 0
Usage : The material body is composed of physical elements.
(Noun) 0
ढ़ाँचा = SCHEMA
Usage : The architect laid out the schema of the building.
(Noun) 0
ढ़ाँचा = MAKE UP
Usage : she decided to make up with her friend after their argument.
(Noun) 0
ढ़ाँचा = FRAME IN
Usage : The artist managed to frame in the entire landscape beautifully.
(Verb) 0
ढ़ाँचा = FRAME WORK
Usage : A bridge was contructed with a steel frame work.Terrorism shook the whole fgrame work of society.Judge considers the cases within the framework of the existing rules.
(Noun) 0
ढ़ाँचा = BOD
Usage : The gym trainer praised his bod as it showed much improvement.
(Noun) 0
ढ़ाँचा = FRA
Usage : The document falls under the financial reconstruction authority (FRA).
(Noun) 0
ढ़ाँचा = FRAMED
Usage : The artist proudly displayed his latest framed on the wall.
(Noun) 0

Definition of ढ़ाँचा

  • पुं० [सं० स्थाता] १. कोई वस्तु या रचना बनाते समय उसके विभिन्न मुख्य अंगों को जोड़ या बाँदकर खड़ा किया हुआ वह आरंभिक या स्थूल रूप जिस पर बाकी सारी रचना प्रस्तुत होती है। जैसे–मकान का ढाँचा, कुरसी का ढाँचा। २. कोई ऐसी रचना जिसमें कोई दूसरी चीज जड़ी, बैठाई या लगाई जाती है। ३. ग्रंथ, लेख, नक्शे आदि का आरंभिक तथा आधारिक रूप। ४. ठठरी। पंजर। ५. गठन। बनावट

  • [Source: Pustak.org]

Sentence usage for ढ़ाँचा will be shown here. Refresh Usages

Information provided about ढ़ाँचा ( Rhanacha ):

ढ़ाँचा (Rhanacha) meaning in English (इंग्लिश मे मीनिंग) is CHASE (ढ़ाँचा ka matlab english me CHASE hai). Get meaning and translation of Rhanacha in English language with grammar, synonyms and antonyms by ShabdKhoj. Know the answer of question : what is meaning of Rhanacha in English? ढ़ाँचा (Rhanacha) ka matalab Angrezi me kya hai ( ढ़ाँचा का अंग्रेजी में मतलब, इंग्लिश में अर्थ जाने)

Tags: English meaning of ढ़ाँचा , ढ़ाँचा meaning in english, ढ़ाँचा translation and definition in English.
English meaning of Rhanacha , Rhanacha meaning in english, Rhanacha translation and definition in English language by ShabdKhoj (From HinKhoj Group). ढ़ाँचा का मतलब (मीनिंग) अंग्रेजी (इंग्लिश) में जाने |


Meaning Summary

ढ़ाँचा के इंग्लिश मीनिंग: chase, console, framework, frame, mould, block, carriage, shell, skeleton, shape, structure, forms, form, fabric, cadre, compages, body, cage, set, sketch, drafts, armature, physical body, bodywork, housing, underframe, skeletal frame, bone, member, truss, term, machinery, sash, carcass, material body, schema, make up, frame in, frame work, bod, fra, framed

Synonym/Similar Words: आगे बढना, फँसाना, चिन्ह, तरीका, लड़का, अंदाज़ा लगाना, ज़मीन, ढ़ाँचा, सांचा, हश्र, घटना, अधिस्ठित करना, विस्तृत विवरण देना, प्रतिष्ठा, संभोग, निर्धारित, चित्र, वृत्त, समूह, मर्यादा, गिनती करना, उत्सुकता, नशीली दवाई, ठीक करना, सुधारना, गठन, सही करना, शारीरिक गठन, पौधा, वस्ट्र, धोखा, पैदा करना, प्रस्तूत होना, काम, स्थित, क्रमबद्ध होना

Antonym/Opposite Words: उदय होना, उठना, उदय होना, बढना/चढ़ना