फ़ेंकना     sound icon
फ़ेंकना = PROJECT
उदाहरण : यह कहते हुए उन्होंने कागज दरवाजे के बाहर फेंक दिए-इसका अर्थ था हजारों रुपए फेंकना।
Usage : a projected drain improvement scheme is being implimented in our colony.
(Verb) +22
फ़ेंकना = THROW
उदाहरण : मूसा ने जादूगरों से कहा (मंत्र व तंत्र) जो कुछ तुम्हें फेंकना हो फेंको
Usage : peter sampras won the wimbledon and his throw was great.he couldnt afford $50 a throw.
(Verb) +15
फ़ेंकना = PROPEL
उदाहरण : तेज हवा नाव को आगे फ़ेंक सकती है।
Usage : The engineer designed a new motor to propel the boat.
(Verb) +11
फ़ेंकना = PITCH
Usage : pitch pebbles into that river.
(Verb) +10
फ़ेंकना = SLING
Usage : do not slinge the books as they are very useful to me.
(Verb) +9
फ़ेंकना = CAST
Usage : Anthony Hopkins was the principal cast in the movie 'Instinct'.
(Verb) +8
फ़ेंकना = SHY
Usage : he is very shy.
(Verb) +8
फ़ेंकना = BELCH
उदाहरण : पुरानी गाड़ी चलते समय अक्सर धुआं फ़ेंकती थी।
Usage : The old car would often belch smoke while running.
(Verb) +7
फ़ेंकना = DUMP
Usage : She decided to dump the old couch.
(Verb) +7
फ़ेंकना = PLAY
Usage : he wrote several plays but only one was produced on broadway
(Verb) +7
फ़ेंकना = FLING
Usage : do not fling unnecessary accusations on others.
(Verb) +5
फ़ेंकना = THROW AWAY
Usage : They said that throw away your traditional systems,
(Verb) +3
फ़ेंकना = REJECT
उदाहरण : मूसा ने जादूगरों से कहा (मंत्र व तंत्र) जो कुछ तुम्हें फेंकना हो फेंको
Usage : her proposal was finally rejected by the committee.
(TransitiveVerb) +3
फ़ेंकना = SLAP
Usage : the simplest case of inflammation occurs when someone is slapped on the cheek.
(Noun) +3
फ़ेंकना = DART
Usage : And we sought to reach the heaven; then we found it filled with a strong guard and darting meteors.
(TransitiveVerb) +3
फ़ेंकना = DELIVER
Usage : the commencement speaker presented a forceful speech that impressed the students
(Verb) +2
फ़ेंकना = SHOOT
Usage : cameras ready? ok, shoot.
(Verb) +1
फ़ेंकना = STREAM
Usage : two streams of development run through american history
(Noun) +1
फ़ेंकना = SEND
Usage : the explosion sent the car flying in the air
(Verb) +1
फ़ेंकना = PLUNK
Usage : at the night the man heard the plunk but was unable to see what it is.
(Noun) +1
फ़ेंकना = COB
Usage : i bought a wheat cob from the bakery.
(Noun) +1
फ़ेंकना = THROW DOWN
Usage : the magicians said: "moses, will you throw down or shall we be the first to throw?"
(Verb) +1
फ़ेंकना = CAST OFF
Usage : So he shared (with them), but was of those who are cast off.
(Adjective) +1
फ़ेंकना = HUCK
Usage : He decided to huck the empty bottle into the recycling bin.
(Verb) +1
फ़ेंकना = LANCHOU
Usage : She decided to lanchou the ball across the field.
(Verb) +1
फ़ेंकना = THREW
Usage : Saying this he threw away the brief outside the doorthat meant throwing away thousands of rupees.
(Verb) +1
फ़ेंकना = DELIVERY
Usage : the delivery of the ball was very fast.
(Noun) +1
फ़ेंकना = PUT
Usage : he put the magazine aside and turned to speak to me.
(Verb) +1
फ़ेंकना = CRASH
Usage : they are still investigating the crash of the twa plane
(Verb) +1
फ़ेंकना = SHOVE
Usage : he gave the door a shove
(Verb) 0
फ़ेंकना = DETRUDE
Usage : she decided to detrude all the negative thoughts from her mind.
(Transitive verb) 0
फ़ेंकना = DOFF
Usage : he respectfully doffed his hat as the bride walked down the aisle.
(Verb) 0
फ़ेंकना = EMIT
Usage : The ozone layer blocks some harmful rays which the sun emits
(Verb) 0
फ़ेंकना = SCRAP
Usage : why the scrap of paper is spreading over here?
(Noun) 0
फ़ेंकना = PEG
Usage : when i hang a picture on the wall, i hammer in a strong thin peg to hold it in place.
(Verb) 0
फ़ेंकना = TOSS
Usage : toss the salad in oil.
(Verb) 0
फ़ेंकना = DASH
Usage : he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer
(Verb) 0
फ़ेंकना = SHAKE OUT
Usage : She shook out her hair to get rid of tangles.
(Noun) 0
फ़ेंकना = THROW OUT
Usage : Do ye then see? - The (human Seed) that ye throw out, -
(Verb) 0
फ़ेंकना = CASTANEA
Usage : She decided to castanea the old books into the donation box.
(Verb) 0
फ़ेंकना = CERRIPEDE
Usage : The player decided to cerripede the ball into the goal.
(Verb) 0
फ़ेंकना = INDIAN SALAD
Usage : We always Indian salad when we have guests over for dinner.
(Verb) 0
Usage : The children decided to playground ball during recess to have some fun.
(Verb) 0
Usage : They decided to salad nicoise the leftover vegetables for a fresh dinner.
(Verb) 0
फ़ेंकना = SLINGER RING
Usage : She decided to slinger ring the ball during the game to impress her teammates.
(Verb) 0
फ़ेंकना = THROW RUG
Usage : She decided to throw the rug out because it was too dirty.
(Verb) 0
फ़ेंकना = TOSSER
Usage : He decided to tosser the old toys into the trash.
(Verb) 0

फ़ेंकना in Word of the Day:

Watch video on meaning of फ़ेंकना and inclusion of फ़ेंकना in Daily word of day.

Sentence usage for फ़ेंकना will be shown here. Refresh Usages

Information provided about फ़ेंकना ( Fenakana ):

फ़ेंकना (Fenakana) meaning in English (इंग्लिश मे मीनिंग) is PROJECT (फ़ेंकना ka matlab english me PROJECT hai). Get meaning and translation of Fenakana in English language with grammar, synonyms and antonyms by ShabdKhoj. Know the answer of question : what is meaning of Fenakana in English? फ़ेंकना (Fenakana) ka matalab Angrezi me kya hai ( फ़ेंकना का अंग्रेजी में मतलब, इंग्लिश में अर्थ जाने)

Tags: English meaning of फ़ेंकना , फ़ेंकना meaning in english, फ़ेंकना translation and definition in English.
English meaning of Fenakana , Fenakana meaning in english, Fenakana translation and definition in English language by ShabdKhoj (From HinKhoj Group). फ़ेंकना का मतलब (मीनिंग) अंग्रेजी (इंग्लिश) में जाने |


Meaning Summary

फ़ेंकना के इंग्लिश मीनिंग: project, throw, propel, pitch, sling, cast, shy, belch, dump, play, fling, throw away, reject, slap, dart, deliver, shoot, stream, send, plunk, cob, throw down, cast off, huck, lanchou, threw, delivery, put, crash, shove, detrude, doff, emit, scrap, peg, toss, dash, shake out, throw out, castanea, cerripede, indian salad, playground ball, salad nicoise, slinger ring, throw rug, tosser

Synonym/Similar Words: स्थानान्तरित करना, पैदा करना, भाषण देना, वितरण, गोले दागना, तिरछा करना, उत्तेजित होना, ढाल होना, आक्रामक विक्रेता, फेरी लगाना, हिलाना[मिलाना], ढाल, गंवार/असभ्य, तेजी से बहना, राल लगा, जहाज़ का यकायक उलट जाना, विक्रय वार्ता, फेरी लगा कर बेचना, छोटा, कार्य, झुकाना, अग्राह्य करना, बदला लेना, सितारा मछली, आक्रमण, झटका, अस्वीकार करना, निकालना, द्रवित करना, विचार करना, दाम, लियाना, आँसू, निवारण करना, क्षुद्र धनराशि, आवरणयुक्त करना, मशीन के इंजन को पहियों से जोड़ने वाला यंत्र, जलवायु, ध्वनि संकेत, हेरा फेरी करना, लगना, पुरा करना

Antonym/Opposite Words: संघनता, के साथ मैथुन के लिये तैयार होना, लगना, दण्ड, बाध्य होना, अंदर आने की अनुमति देना, तनाव, प्रवेश करने देना, अनुमति, अनुमोदित करना