अनायास सफलता = FLUKEउदाहरण : उसे अच्छे अंक अनायास सफलता से मिले।
Usage : It was only by fluke that he secured good marks.
Usage : It was only by fluke that he secured good marks.
(Noun) +10
अनायास अधिगम = INCIDENTAL LEARNINGउदाहरण : वन्यजीवों पर एक डॉक्यूमेंट्री देखने से अनायास अधिगम हुआ।
Usage : Watching a documentary on wildlife resulted in incidental learning about different species.
Usage : Watching a documentary on wildlife resulted in incidental learning about different species.
(Noun) +2
अनायास संकेत = INCIDENTAL CUEउदाहरण : पैकेजिंग का रंग मेरे लिए उस उत्पाद को चुनने का एक अनायास संकेत था।
Usage : The color of the packaging was just an incidental cue for me to choose the product.
Usage : The color of the packaging was just an incidental cue for me to choose the product.
(Noun) 0
अनायास निशाना = POT SHOTउदाहरण : पत्रकार ने प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस के दौरान सियासी नेता पर अनायास निशाना लगाया।
Usage : The enemy soldier took a pot shot at the approaching troops.
Usage : The enemy soldier took a pot shot at the approaching troops.
(Verb) +8
अनायास स्मृति = INCIDENTAL MEMORYउदाहरण : गाना उसे बचपन की याद दिलाता था, अनायास स्मृति को उत्पन्न करता।
Usage : The song reminded her of a childhood memory, triggering an incidental memory.
Usage : The song reminded her of a childhood memory, triggering an incidental memory.
(Noun) +1