उपसमूह = SUBSYSTEMउदाहरण : इंजीनियरिंग टीम को बेहतर समन्वय के लिए कई उपसमूहों में विभाजित किया गया है।
Usage : The navigation subsystem was crucial for the spacecraft's mission.
Usage : The navigation subsystem was crucial for the spacecraft's mission.
(noun) 0
उपसमूह = SUBGROUPUsage : The biology lab divided the students into a subgroup for the group project.
(Noun) 0
उपसमूह = SUB GROUPUsage : The engineering team is divided into several sub groups for better coordination.
(Noun) 0
उपसमूहन = SUB-GROUPINGउदाहरण : यह अध्ययन वातावरण के भीतर विभिन्न प्रजातियों की उपसमूहन पर केंद्रित था।
Usage : The research team used sub-grouping to analyze the different trends in the data.
Usage : The research team used sub-grouping to analyze the different trends in the data.
(Noun) 0
उपसमूहन = SUBGROUPINGUsage : The study focused on the subgrouping of different species within the ecosystem.
(Noun) 0
उपसमूह माध्य = SUB GROUP AVERAGESउदाहरण : उपसमूह माध्य निर्धारित किया गया था ताकि प्रत्येक टीम सदस्य का प्रदर्शन निर्धारित किया जा सके।
Usage : The sub group averages were calculated separately before being compared to the overall mean.
Usage : The sub group averages were calculated separately before being compared to the overall mean.
(Noun) 0
उपसमूह माध्य = SUBGROUP AVERAGEUsage : The subgroup average was calculated to determine the performance of each team member.
(Noun) 0
उपसमूह संख्या = SUBGROUP NUMBERSउदाहरण : उपसमूह संख्या का उपयोग डेटा के छोटे खंडों का विश्लेषण करने के लिए किया जाता है।
Usage : The subgroup numbers are used to analyze the smaller sections of data.
Usage : The subgroup numbers are used to analyze the smaller sections of data.
(Noun) 0