कल्याणकारी = HEALERउदाहरण : इन तत्वॉ का कार्य एक जनकल्याणकारी राज्य की स्थापना करना है।
Usage : a prefix meaning a physician or a healer
Usage : a prefix meaning a physician or a healer
(Noun) +24
कल्याणकारी समाज = WELFARE SOCIETYउदाहरण : संगठन का उद्देश्य वंचितों के लिए एक कल्याणकारी समाज बनाना है।
Usage : The organization aims to create a welfare society for the underprivileged.
Usage : The organization aims to create a welfare society for the underprivileged.
(Noun) +3
कल्याणकारी राज्य = THE WELFARE STATEUsage : The welfare state provides social security to its citizens.
(Noun) +17
कल्याणकारी राज्य = WELFARE STATEUsage : The welfare state introduced many schemes for the citizens of our country .
(Noun) +6
कल्याणकारी सहायता = WELFAREउदाहरण : हमें ज़रूरतमंदों के कल्याणकारी सहायता के लिए काम करना होगा।
Usage : we have to work for the welfare of the needy.
Usage : we have to work for the welfare of the needy.
(Noun) +48