गनरी = GUNNERYउदाहरण : राजपूत राजा की गनरी में हमेशा विभिन्न प्रकार की बंदूकें होती थीं।
Usage : there was always a variety of guns in the rajput rulers gunnery.
Usage : there was always a variety of guns in the rajput rulers gunnery.
(Noun) 0
गनरी अफसर = GUNNERY OFFICERउदाहरण : गनरी अफसर जहाज पर कार्यरत कुशलाक्षरी के कार्य की जिम्मेदारी था।
Usage : The gunnery officer was responsible for overseeing the artillery operations on the ship.
Usage : The gunnery officer was responsible for overseeing the artillery operations on the ship.
(Noun) 0
गनरी भंडार = GUNNERY STOREउदाहरण : मैंने स्थानीय गनरी भंडार से गोली क्रय की।
Usage : I bought ammunition from the local gunnery store.
Usage : I bought ammunition from the local gunnery store.
(Noun) 0
गनरी स्कूल = GUNNERY SCHOOLउदाहरण : जॉन ने भारी शस्त्रशास्त्र को कैसे चलाना सीखने के लिए एक गनरी स्कूल में नाम दर्ज करने का फैसला किया।
Usage : John decided to enroll in a gunnery school to learn how to operate heavy artillery.
Usage : John decided to enroll in a gunnery school to learn how to operate heavy artillery.
(Noun) 0