चींचना = SQUAWBUSHउदाहरण : बच्चा पेड़ों की पत्तियों को चींचने लगा, जिससे बगीचे में एक मजेदार अस्त-व्यस्तता हो गई।
Usage : The child began to squawbush the leaves, creating a delightful mess in the garden.
Usage : The child began to squawbush the leaves, creating a delightful mess in the garden.
(Verb) 0
चींचला = FORMICATEउदाहरण : उस पर चींचला एहसास होने पर उसे ऐसा लगा जैसे छोटे कीड़े उसके ऊपर दौड़ रहे हैं।
Usage : The formicate sensation on her skin made her feel as though tiny insects were crawling over her.
Usage : The formicate sensation on her skin made her feel as though tiny insects were crawling over her.
(Adjective) 0
चींचूना = PEWIT GULLउदाहरण : पक्षी ने दलदल के आर-पार चींचूना करना शुरू किया, उसकी आवाज़ शांत वातावरण में गूंज उठी।
Usage : the bird began to pewit gull across the marsh, its call echoing in the still air.
Usage : the bird began to pewit gull across the marsh, its call echoing in the still air.
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