जनगणना = CENSUSउदाहरण : जनगणना हर दस साल में आयोजित की जाती है।
Usage : The census is conducted every ten years.
Usage : The census is conducted every ten years.
(Noun) +73
जनगणना = NOSECOUNTउदाहरण : सन् १९९१ की जनगणना के अनुसार राज्य की जनसंख्या ४. ३९ करोड़ थी।
Usage : According to the 1991 nosecount, the state population was 43.9 million.
Usage : According to the 1991 nosecount, the state population was 43.9 million.
(Noun) +4
जनगणना = CENSUS OF POPULATIONUsage : According to the 1991 census of population, the state's population was 43.9 million.
(Noun) 0
जनगणना = POPULATION CENSUSUsage : According to the 1991 population census, the state's population was 43.9 million.
(Noun) 0
जनगणना विधि = CENSUS METHODउदाहरण : जनगणना विधि का उपयोग जनसांख्यिकीय आंकड़े सिस्टमेटिक ढंग से जमा करने के लिए किया जाता है।
Usage : The census method is used to gather demographic data in a systematic way.
Usage : The census method is used to gather demographic data in a systematic way.
(Noun) 0
जनगणना करना = CENSUS TAKERउदाहरण : जनगणना करने वाला हर घर का सर्वेक्षण करेगा।
Usage : The census taker will survey each household to gather data.
Usage : The census taker will survey each household to gather data.
(Verb) 0
जनगणना ब्यूरो = CENSUS BUREAUउदाहरण : जनगणना ब्यूरो जनसंख्या के लिए आंकड़े एकत्र करता है।
Usage : The census bureau collects data on population demographics.
Usage : The census bureau collects data on population demographics.
(Noun) 0
जनगणना क्षेत्र = CENSUS TRACTउदाहरण : जनसंख्या के रूझान समझने के लिए एवंियू जनगणना क्षेत्र स्तर पर जुटाई गई जानकारी का विश्लेषण किया जाता है।
Usage : The data collected is analyzed at the census tract level to understand population trends.
Usage : The data collected is analyzed at the census tract level to understand population trends.
(Noun) 0
जनगणना विज्ञान = LARITHMICSउदाहरण : जनगणना विज्ञान का अध्ययन करना लरिथ्मिक्स कहलाता है।
Usage : The study of population statistics is known as larithmics.
Usage : The study of population statistics is known as larithmics.
(Noun) 0